I need some sort of way to store key/value pairs where the value can be of different types.
So I like to do:
int i = 12;
string s = \"test\";
Dictionary is clearly the quickest solution.
Another way could be to store a custom class in which you could store the actual value and the information regarding its type
Given that you don't want a strongly typed data collection then I would have thought a HashTable
would be suitable for your situation. You could create an Extention method for this also, like another poster suggested for the Dictionary implementation.
public static class StorageExtentions
public static T Get<T>(this Hashtable table, object key)
return (T) table[key];
Your code would then look like:
int i = 12;
string s = "test";
double x = 24.1;
Hashtable Storage = new Hashtable();
Storage.Add("age", i);
Storage.Add("name", s);
Storage.Add("bmi", x);
int a = Storage.Get<int>("age");
string b = Storage.Get<string>("name");
double c = Storage.Get<double>("bmi");