How to get the filename from the given file path string?
For example if I have a filepath string as
Creates unique "file name" form url including two previous folders
func createFileNameFromURL (colorUrl: URL) -> String {
var arrayFolders = colorUrl.pathComponents
// -3 because last element from url is "file name" and 2 previous are folders on server
let indx = arrayFolders.count - 3
var fileName = ""
switch indx{
case 0...:
fileName = arrayFolders[indx] + arrayFolders[indx+1] + arrayFolders[indx+2]
case -1:
fileName = arrayFolders[indx+1] + arrayFolders[indx+2]
case -2:
fileName = arrayFolders[indx+2]
return fileName
Try this
let filename: String = "your file name"
let pathExtention = filename.pathExtension
let pathPrefix = filename.stringByDeletingPathExtension
Updated :
extension String {
var fileURL: URL {
return URL(fileURLWithPath: self)
var pathExtension: String {
return fileURL.pathExtension
var lastPathComponent: String {
return fileURL.lastPathComponent
Hope it helps.
let theURL = URL(string: "yourURL/somePDF.pdf") //use your URL
let fileNameWithExt = theURL?.lastPathComponent //somePDF.pdf
let fileNameLessExt = theURL?.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent //somePDF
In order for this to work your url must be of type URL not a string so don't convert it to a string before hand.
You can copy and paste this code directly into playground to see how it works.
You can pass the url in fileUrl, like I did below:-
let fileUrl: String = "" // Pass the URL
let lastPathComponent = URL.init(string: fileUrl)?.lastPathComponent ?? "" // With this you will get last path component
let fileNameWithExtension = lastPathComponent
//This last path component will provide you file Name with extension.
To retrieve filename without its extension from a URL in Swift >= 4.2:
let urlWithoutFileExtension: URL = originalFileUrl.deletingPathExtension()
let fileNameWithoutExtension: String = urlWithoutFileExtension.lastPathComponent
SWIFT 3.x or SWIFT 4:
Shortest and cleanest way of doing this is below. In this example url
variable is type of URL
in this way we can have a human readable String
result of the full file name with extension like My file name.txt
and Not like My%20file%20name.txt
// Result like: My file name.txt
let fileName = url.lastPathComponent