I have just converted my PCL library to a new .Net Standard library and I have some Yellow Warning triangles on my Dependencies shown below:
During the conv
Just for documentation purpose for new person with this issue try this and you will rememberme :D
If you go to: Tools > NuGet Administrator > Configurations. and you have "Allow nuget...." and "automatically check...." cheked.
The only thing than you have to do is click con the button "Clear All NuGet Cache(s)"
That's it, you don't have to edit manual thinks than can be dangerous, believe me, I use to need to done some of the steps than describe here a lot of time, and try more than 5 steps of the oficial microsoft documentation for that issue you could check it here: https://docs.microsoft.com/es-es/nuget/consume-packages/package-restore#restore-packages-automatically-using-visual-studio
But just cleaning the cache solve all the problems
Oddly enough, my .Net Core 3 project needed me to simply click "Load project dependencies" from the context of the project, then the warning icon disappeared.
Helpful screenshot:
run dotnet restore
before you do any complicated manipulation, you are going to be provided with a lot more info than in the error window or solution explorer.
You can run this command in the Package Manager Console:
Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console
If you have the warning icon but no warnings and nothing appears to actually be wrong, right click the project > Unload Project > right click the project again > Reload Project. The icon appeared for a moment and then was cleared for me in Visual Studio 2019. This avoids a full Visual Studio restart.
As trite as it sounds, try rebuilding then restarting VS - and get on with your day :)
I faced this error when I clone the project. the main reason was the Nuget packages couldn't restore and I find a solution by making nuget.org only active resource.
Make sure you select Nuget.org as only active resource.
Hope it helps