One way to debug this problem in an Sql Server environment is to use the Sql Profiler included with your copy of SqlServer, or if using the Express version get a copy of Express Profiler for free off from CodePlex by the following the link below:
Express Profiler
By using Sql Profiler you can get access to whatever is being sent by EF to the DB. In my case this amounted to:
exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [dbo].[Category]
SET [ParentID] = @0, [1048] = NULL, [1033] = @1, [MemberID] = @2, [AddedOn] = @3
WHERE ([CategoryID] = @4)
',N'@0 uniqueidentifier,@1 nvarchar(50),@2 uniqueidentifier,@3 datetime2(7),@4 uniqueidentifier',
@3='2014-01-29 15:30:27.0435565',@4='3410FD1E-1C76-4D71-B08E-73849838F778'
I copy pasted this into a query window in Sql Server and executed it. Sure enough, although it ran, 0 records were affected by this query hence the error being returned by EF.
In my case the problem was caused by the CategoryID.
There was no CategoryID identified by the ID EF sent to the database hence 0 records being affected.
This was not EF's fault though but rather a buggy null coalescing "??" statement up in a View Controller that was sending nonsense down to data tier.