In his answer to the question “Distinction between typeclasses MonadPlus, Alternative, and Monoid?”, Edward Kmett says that
Moreover, even if
The clue to your answer is in the HaskellWiki about MonadPlus you linked to:
Which rules? Martin & Gibbons choose Monoid, Left Zero, and Left Distribution. This makes
a MonadPlus, but notMaybe
So according to your favoured choice, Maybe
isn't a MonadPlus (although there's an instance, it doesn't satisfy left distribution). Let's prove it satisfies Alternative.
is an Alternative<*>
): (f <|> g) <*> a = (f <*> a) <|> (g <*> a)
Case 1: f=Nothing
(Nothing <|> g) <*> a = (g) <*> a -- left identity <|>
= Nothing <|> (g <*> a) -- left identity <|>
= (Nothing <*> a) <|> (g <*> a) -- left failure <*>
Case 2: a=Nothing
(f <|> g) <*> Nothing = Nothing -- right failure <*>
= Nothing <|> Nothing -- left identity <|>
= (f <*> Nothing) <|> (g <*> Nothing) -- right failure <*>
Case 3: f=Just h, a = Just x
(Just h <|> g) <*> Just x = Just h <*> Just x -- left bias <|>
= Just (h x) -- success <*>
= Just (h x) <|> (g <*> Just x) -- left bias <|>
= (Just h <*> Just x) <|> (g <*> Just x) -- success <*>
): empty <*> a = empty
That's easy, because
Nothing <*> a = Nothing -- left failure <*>
): f <$> (a <|> b) = (f <$> a) <|> (f <$> b)
Case 1: a = Nothing
f <$> (Nothing <|> b) = f <$> b -- left identity <|>
= Nothing <|> (f <$> b) -- left identity <|>
= (f <$> Nothing) <|> (f <$> b) -- failure <$>
Case 2: a = Just x
f <$> (Just x <|> b) = f <$> Just x -- left bias <|>
= Just (f x) -- success <$>
= Just (f x) <|> (f <$> b) -- left bias <|>
= (f <$> Just x) <|> (f <$> b) -- success <$>
): f <$> empty = empty
Another easy one:
f <$> Nothing = Nothing -- failure <$>
isn't a MonadPlusLet's prove the assertion that Maybe
isn't a MonadPlus: We need to show that mplus a b >>= k = mplus (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
doesn't always hold. The trick is, as ever, to use some binding to sneak very different values out:
a = Just False
b = Just True
k True = Just "Made it!"
k False = Nothing
mplus (Just False) (Just True) >>= k = Just False >>= k
= k False
= Nothing
here I've used bind (>>=)
to snatch failure (Nothing
) from the jaws of victory because Just False
looked like success.
mplus (Just False >>= k) (Just True >>= k) = mplus (k False) (k True)
= mplus Nothing (Just "Made it!")
= Just "Made it!"
Here the failure (k False
) was calculated early, so got ignored and we "Made it!"
So, mplus a b >>= k = Nothing
but mplus (a >>= k) (b >>= k) = Just "Made it!"
You can look at this as me using >>=
to break the left-bias of mplus
for Maybe
Just in case you felt I hadn't done enough tedious deriving, I'll prove the identities I used:
Nothing <|> c = c -- left identity <|>
Just d <|> c = Just d -- left bias <|>
which come from the instance declaration
instance Alternative Maybe where
empty = Nothing
Nothing <|> r = r
l <|> _ = l
f <$> Nothing = Nothing -- failure <$>
f <$> Just x = Just (f x) -- success <$>
which just come from (<$>) = fmap
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
Thirdly, the other three take a bit more work:
Nothing <*> c = Nothing -- left failure <*>
c <*> Nothing = Nothing -- right failure <*>
Just f <*> Just x = Just (f x) -- success <*>
Which comes from the definitions
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
ap :: (Monad m) => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
ap = liftM2 id
liftM2 :: (Monad m) => (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r
liftM2 f m1 m2 = do { x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; return (f x1 x2) }
instance Monad Maybe where
(Just x) >>= k = k x
Nothing >>= _ = Nothing
return = Just
mf <*> mx = ap mf mx
= liftM2 id mf mx
= do { f <- mf; x <- mx; return (id f x) }
= do { f <- mf; x <- mx; return (f x) }
= do { f <- mf; x <- mx; Just (f x) }
= mf >>= \f ->
mx >>= \x ->
Just (f x)
so if mf
or mx
are Nothing, the result is also Nothing
, whereas if mf = Just f
and mx = Just x
, the result is Just (f x)