Is there a way to connect Python to Db2?
You can connect to db2 from python using jaydeapi First install library running pip install jaydeapi download db2jcc4.jar Then you can connect using below code : by passing hostname,portno, userid,password database name
import jaydebeapi
conn_src = jaydebeapi.connect(
sql = 'Select * from schemaname.TableName fetch first 100 rows only '
result = cursor.fetchall()
for r in result:
There is a way in which one can connect to IBM db2 using nothing but Python requests library.
Have a look at the following video, found it quite useful:
You need nothing but the requests library and your db2 credentials. Worked for me.
You can use ibm_db library to connect DB2.
query_str = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name"
conn = ibm_db.pconnect("dsn=write","usrname","secret")
query_stmt = ibm_db.prepare(conn, query_str)
This is for future reference:
Official installation docs say:
Python 2.5 or later, excluding Python 3.X.
pip install ibm_db
It only worked on Python 2.7 for me; it didn't for 3.X. Also, I had to make Python 2.7 default (instead of Python 3) so that the installation would work (otherwise, there would be installation errors).
Official docs sample usage:
import ibm_db
ibm_db.connect("DATABASE=name;HOSTNAME=host;PORT=60000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username; PWD=password;", "", "")