Is there a way to connect Python to Db2?
After lots of digging I discovered how to connect with DB2 using ibm_db.
First off, if you use a python version higher than 3.2 use
pip install ibm_db==2.0.8a
version 2.0.8 (the latest) will fail to install.
then use the following to connect
import ibm_db_dbi as db
conn = db.connect("DATABASE=name;HOSTNAME=host;PORT=60000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password;", "", "")
list tables with
for t in conn.tables():
and execute SQL with
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Schema.Table")
for r in cursor.fetchall():
check this link for official not so accurate documentation
In addition to @prof1990 response:
Since 2.0.9 (Aug 16th 2018), also with Python 3 you can simply use:
pip install ibm_db
Example of connection here:
import ibm_db
ibm_db.connect("DATABASE=<dbname>;HOSTNAME=<host>;PORT=<60000>;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=<username>;PWD=<password>;", "", "")
Full API documentation here:
IBM's Db2 is available for various platforms. If you are trying to connect to a Db2 which lives on an IBM i server (formerly known as AS/400, iSeries, or System i), then ibm_db requires a product called Db2 Connect, which is rather expensive. Most people who use Python to connect to Db2 for i use ODBC (usually through PyODBC).
I'm not completely sure about the situation with Db2 on their z (mainframe) servers, but I would think it also requires Db2 Connect.
The documentation is difficult to find, and once you find it, it's pretty abysmal. Here's what I've found over the past 3 hours.
You need to install ibm_db
using pip
, as follows:
pip install ibm_db
You'll want to create a connection object. The documentation is here.
Here's what I wrote:
from ibm_db import connect
# Careful with the punctuation here - we have 3 arguments.
# The first is a big string with semicolons in it.
# (Strings separated by only whitespace, newlines included,
# are automatically joined together, in case you didn't know.)
# The last two are emptry strings.
connection = connect('DATABASE=<database name>;'
'HOSTNAME=<database ip>;' # or localhost works if it's local
'PORT=<database port>;'
'UID=<database username>;'
'PWD=<username password>;', '', '')
Next you should know that commands to ibm_db
never actually give you results. Instead, you need to call one of the fetch
methods on the command, repeatedly, to get the results. I wrote this helper function to deal with that.
def results(command):
from ibm_db import fetch_assoc
ret = []
result = fetch_assoc(command)
while result:
# This builds a list in memory. Theoretically, if there's a lot of rows,
# we could run out of memory. In practice, I've never had that happen.
# If it's ever a problem, you could use
# yield result
# Then this function would become a generator. You lose the ability to access
# results by index or slice them or whatever, but you retain
# the ability to iterate on them.
result = fetch_assoc(command)
return ret # Ditch this line if you choose to use a generator.
Now with that helper function defined, you can easily do something like get the information on all the tables in your database with the following:
from ibm_db import tables
t = results(tables(connection))
If you'd like to see everything in a given table, you could do something like this now:
from ibm_db import exec_immediate
sql = 'LIST * FROM ' + t[170]['TABLE_NAME'] # Using our list of tables t from before...
rows = results(exec_immediate(connection, sql))
And now rows
contains a list
of rows from the 170th table in your database, where every row contains a dict
of column name: value.
Hope this all helps.
Version: ibm-db 3.0.2 - ibm-db==3.0.2
pip install ibm-db
Released: Jun 17, 2020
Connect to a local or cataloged database:
import ibm_db
conn = ibm_db.connect("database","username","password")
Connect to an uncataloged database:
import ibm_db
PWD=password;", "", "")
ibm-db, the official DB2 driver for Python and Django is here:
Here's a recent tutorial for how to install everything on Ubuntu Linux:
I should mention that there were several older unofficial DB2 drivers for Python. ibm-db is the one you should be using.