Adding a parameter to the URL with JavaScript

后端 未结 30 2280
刺人心 2020-11-22 07:33

In a web application that makes use of AJAX calls, I need to submit a request but add a parameter to the end of the URL, for example:

Original URL:

  • 2020-11-22 08:07

    This was my own attempt, but I'll use the answer by annakata as it seems much cleaner:

    function AddUrlParameter(sourceUrl, parameterName, parameterValue, replaceDuplicates)
        if ((sourceUrl == null) || (sourceUrl.length == 0)) sourceUrl = document.location.href;
        var urlParts = sourceUrl.split("?");
        var newQueryString = "";
        if (urlParts.length > 1)
            var parameters = urlParts[1].split("&");
            for (var i=0; (i < parameters.length); i++)
                var parameterParts = parameters[i].split("=");
                if (!(replaceDuplicates && parameterParts[0] == parameterName))
                    if (newQueryString == "")
                        newQueryString = "?";
                        newQueryString += "&";
                    newQueryString += parameterParts[0] + "=" + parameterParts[1];
        if (newQueryString == "")
            newQueryString = "?";
            newQueryString += "&";
        newQueryString += parameterName + "=" + parameterValue;
        return urlParts[0] + newQueryString;

    Also, I found this jQuery plugin from another post on stackoverflow, and if you need more flexibility you could use that:

    I would think the code would be (haven't tested):

    return $.query.parse(sourceUrl).set(parameterName, parameterValue).toString();
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 08:07

    It handles such URL's:

    • empty
    • doesn't have any parameters
    • already have some parameters
    • have ? at the end, but at the same time doesn't have any parameters

    It doesn't handles such URL's:

    • with fragment identifier (i.e. hash, #)
    • if URL already have required query parameter (then there will be duplicate)

    Works in:

    • Chrome 32+
    • Firefox 26+
    • Safari 7.1+
    function appendQueryParameter(url, name, value) {
        if (url.length === 0) {
        let rawURL = url;
        // URL with `?` at the end and without query parameters
        // leads to incorrect result.
        if (rawURL.charAt(rawURL.length - 1) === "?") {
            rawURL = rawURL.slice(0, rawURL.length - 1);
        const parsedURL = new URL(rawURL);
        let parameters =;
        parameters += (parameters.length === 0) ? "?" : "&";
        parameters = (parameters + name + "=" + value);
        return (parsedURL.origin + parsedURL.pathname + parameters);

    Version with ES6 template strings.

    Works in:

    • Chrome 41+
    • Firefox 32+
    • Safari 9.1+
    function appendQueryParameter(url, name, value) {
        if (url.length === 0) {
        let rawURL = url;
        // URL with `?` at the end and without query parameters
        // leads to incorrect result.
        if (rawURL.charAt(rawURL.length - 1) === "?") {
            rawURL = rawURL.slice(0, rawURL.length - 1);
        const parsedURL = new URL(rawURL);
        let parameters =;
        parameters += (parameters.length === 0) ? "?" : "&";
        parameters = `${parameters}${name}=${value}`;
        return `${parsedURL.origin}${parsedURL.pathname}${parameters}`;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 08:07

    The regular expressions, so slow, thus:

    var SetParamUrl = function(_k, _v) {// replace and add new parameters
        let arrParams = !== '' ? decodeURIComponent('&').map(_v => _v.split('=')) : Array();
        let index = arrParams.findIndex((_v) => _v[0] === _k); 
        index = index !== -1 ? index : arrParams.length;
        _v === null ? arrParams = arrParams.filter((_v, _i) => _i != index) : arrParams[index] = [_k, _v];
        let _search = encodeURIComponent( => _v.join('=')).join('&'));
        let newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname + (arrParams.length > 0 ? '?' +  _search : ''); 
        // window.location = newurl; //reload 
        if (history.pushState) { // without reload  
            window.history.pushState({path:newurl}, null, newurl);
    var GetParamUrl = function(_k) {// get parameter by key
        let sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(,
            sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&').map(_v => _v.split('='));
        let _result = sURLVariables.find(_v => _v[0] === _k);
        return _result[1];


            SetParamUrl('cat', "strData");//
            SetParamUrl('sotr', "strDataSort");//
            SetParamUrl('cat', "strDataTwo");//
            //remove param
            SetParamUrl('cat', null);//
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 08:08

    You can use one of these:



    var url = new URL("");
    // If your expected result is ""
    url.searchParams.append('x', 42);
    // If your expected result is ""
    url.searchParams.set('x', 42);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 08:08

    Vianney Bajart's answer is correct; however, URL will only work if you have the complete URL with port, host, path and query:

    new URL('http://server/myapp.php?id=10&enabled=true')

    And URLSearchParams will only work if you pass only the query string:

    new URLSearchParams('?id=10&enabled=true')

    If you have an incomplete or relative URL and don't care for the base URL, you can just split by ? to get the query string and join later like this:

    function setUrlParams(url, key, value) {
      url = url.split('?');
      usp = new URLSearchParams(url[1]);
      usp.set(key, value);
      url[1] = usp.toString();
      return url.join('?');
    let url = 'myapp.php?id=10';
    url = setUrlParams(url, 'enabled', true);  // url = 'myapp.php?id=10&enabled=true'
    url = setUrlParams(url, 'id', 11);         // url = 'myapp.php?id=11&enabled=true'

    Not compatible with Internet Explorer.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 08:09

    Following function will help you to add,update and delete parameters to or from URL.


    var myURL = '/search';
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','california');
    console.log('added location...' + myURL);
    //added location.../search?location=california
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','new york');
    console.log('updated location...' + myURL);
    //updated location.../search?location=new%20york
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location');
    console.log('removed location...' + myURL);
    //removed location.../search


    var myURL = '/search?category=mobile';
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','california');
    console.log('added location...' + myURL);
    //added location.../search?category=mobile&location=california
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','new york');
    console.log('updated location...' + myURL);
    //updated location.../search?category=mobile&location=new%20york
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location');
    console.log('removed location...' + myURL);
    //removed location.../search?category=mobile


    var myURL = '/search?location=texas';
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','california');
    console.log('added location...' + myURL);
    //added location.../search?location=california
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','new york');
    console.log('updated location...' + myURL);
    //updated location.../search?location=new%20york
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location');
    console.log('removed location...' + myURL);
    //removed location.../search


    var myURL = '/search?category=mobile&location=texas';
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','california');
    console.log('added location...' + myURL);
    //added location.../search?category=mobile&location=california
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','new york');
    console.log('updated location...' + myURL);
    //updated location.../search?category=mobile&location=new%20york
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location');
    console.log('removed location...' + myURL);
    //removed location.../search?category=mobile


    var myURL = '';
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','california');
    console.log('added location...' + myURL);
    //added location.../search?location=california#fragment
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location','new york');
    console.log('updated location...' + myURL);
    //updated location.../search?location=new%20york#fragment
    myURL = updateUrl(myURL,'location');
    console.log('removed location...' + myURL);
    //removed location.../search#fragment

    Here is the function.

    function updateUrl(url,key,value){
            value = encodeURI(value);
          var hashIndex = url.indexOf("#")|0;
          if (hashIndex === -1) hashIndex = url.length|0;
          var urls = url.substring(0, hashIndex).split('?');
          var baseUrl = urls[0];
          var parameters = '';
          var outPara = {};
              parameters = urls[1];
            parameters = parameters.split('&');
            for(k in parameters){
              var keyVal = parameters[k];
              keyVal = keyVal.split('=');
              var ekey = keyVal[0];
              var evalue = '';
                  evalue = keyVal[1];
              outPara[ekey] = evalue;
            outPara[key] = value;
            delete outPara[key];
          parameters = [];
          for(var k in outPara){
            parameters.push(k + '=' + outPara[k]);
          var finalUrl = baseUrl;
            finalUrl += '?' + parameters.join('&'); 
          return finalUrl + url.substring(hashIndex); 
    0 讨论(0)