What\'s the easiest way to compute a 3x3 matrix inverse?
I\'m just looking for a short code snippet that\'ll do the trick for non-singular matrices, possibly using C
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
double A11, A12, A13;
double A21, A22, A23;
double A31, A32, A33;
double B11, B12, B13;
double B21, B22, B23;
double B31, B32, B33;
cout << "Enter all number from left to right, from top to bottom, and press enter after every number: ";
cin >> A11;
cin >> A12;
cin >> A13;
cin >> A21;
cin >> A22;
cin >> A23;
cin >> A31;
cin >> A32;
cin >> A33;
B11 = 1 / ((A22 * A33) - (A23 * A32));
B12 = 1 / ((A13 * A32) - (A12 * A33));
B13 = 1 / ((A12 * A23) - (A13 * A22));
B21 = 1 / ((A23 * A31) - (A21 * A33));
B22 = 1 / ((A11 * A33) - (A13 * A31));
B23 = 1 / ((A13 * A21) - (A11 * A23));
B31 = 1 / ((A21 * A32) - (A22 * A31));
B32 = 1 / ((A12 * A31) - (A11 * A32));
B33 = 1 / ((A11 * A22) - (A12 * A21));
cout << B11 << "\t" << B12 << "\t" << B13 << endl;
cout << B21 << "\t" << B22 << "\t" << B23 << endl;
cout << B31 << "\t" << B32 << "\t" << B33 << endl;
return 0;