What is the Python equivalent of `set -x` in shell?

后端 未结 3 2062
有刺的猬 2020-12-04 19:16

Please suggest Python command which is equivalent of set -x in shell scripts.

Is there a way to print/log each source file line executed by Python?

  • 2020-12-04 19:56

    to get a proper equivalent of bash -x using the trace module, one needs to use --ignore-dir to block the printing of source lines of every module imported, e.g. python -m trace --trace --ignore-dir /usr/lib/python2.7 --ignore-dir /usr/lib/pymodules repost.py, adding more --ignore-dir directives as necessary for other module locations.

    this becomes important when attempting to locate slow-loading modules such as requests which spit out millions of source lines for several minutes on a slow machine. the proper use of --ignore-dir cuts the time down to a few seconds, and shows only the lines from your own code.

    $ time python -m trace --trace repost.py 2>&1 | wc
    3710176 16165000 200743489
    real    1m54.302s
    user    2m14.360s
    sys 0m1.344s


    $ time python -m trace --trace --ignore-dir /usr/lib/python2.7 --ignore-dir /usr/lib/pymodules repost.py 2>&1 | wc
         42     210    2169
    real    0m12.570s
    user    0m12.421s
    sys 0m0.108s

    this doesn't really answer your question; you asked for a Python equivalent of set -x. a simple way to approximate that is with sys.settrace():

    jcomeau@aspire:/tmp$ cat test.py
    #!/usr/bin/python -OO
    test program for sys.settrace
    import sys, linecache
    TRACING = []
    def traceit(frame, event, arg):
        if event == "line":
            lineno = frame.f_lineno
            line = linecache.getline(sys.argv[0], lineno)
            if TRACING:
                print "%d: %s" % (lineno, line.rstrip())
        return traceit
    def test():
        print 'this first line should not trace'
        print 'this line and the following ought to show'
        print "that's all folks"
        print 'this last line should not trace'
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    which, when run, gives:

    jcomeau@aspire:/tmp$ ./test.py
    this first line should not trace
    19:     print 'this line and the following ought to show'
    this line and the following ought to show
    20:     print "that's all folks"
    that's all folks
    21:     TRACING.pop()
    this last line should not trace

    eliminating the line 'TRACING.pop()' from the trace output is left as an exercise for the reader.

    sources: https://pymotw.com/2/sys/tracing.html and http://www.dalkescientific.com/writings/diary/archive/2005/04/20/tracing_python_code.html

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  • 2020-12-04 20:00

    I liked @jcomeau_ictx's answer very much, but it has a small flaw, which is why I extended on it a bit. The problem is that jcomeau_ictx's 'traceit' function only works correctly if all code to be traced is within the file that is called with python file.py (let's call it the host file). If you call any imported functions, you get a lot of line numbers without code. The reason for this is that line = linecache.getline(sys.argv[0], lineno) always tries to get the line of code from the host file (sys.argv[0]). This can easily be corrected, as the name of the file that actually contains the traced line of code can be found in frame.f_code.co_filename. This now may produce a lot of output, which is why one probably would want to have a bit more control.

    There is also another bit to notice. According to the sys.settrace() documentation:

    The trace function is invoked (with event set to 'call') whenever a new local scope is entered

    In other words, the code to be traced has to be inside a function.

    To keep everything tidy, I decided to put everything into an own file called setx.py. The code should be pretty self-explanatory. There is, however, one piece of code that is needed for Python 3 compatibility, which deals with the differences between Python 2 and 3 with respect to how modules are imported. This is explained here. The code should now also work both with Python 2 and 3.

    from __future__ import print_function
    import sys, linecache
    ##adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/33449763/2454357
    ##emulates bash's set -x and set +x
    ##for turning tracing on and off
    TRACING = False
    ##FILENAMES defines which files should be traced
    ##by default this will on only be the host file 
    FILENAMES = [sys.argv[0]]
    ##flag to ignore FILENAMES and alwas trace all files
    ##off by default
    FOLLOWALL = False
    def traceit(frame, event, arg):
        if event == "line":
            ##from https://stackoverflow.com/a/40945851/2454357
            while frame.f_code.co_filename.startswith('<frozen'):
                frame = frame.f_back
            filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
    ##        print(filename, FILENAMES)
            if TRACING and (
                filename in FILENAMES or
                filename+'c' in FILENAMES or
                lineno = frame.f_lineno
                line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
                print("{}, {}: {}".format(filename, lineno, line.rstrip()))
        return traceit

    I then test the functionality with this code:

    from __future__ import print_function
    import os
    import setx
    from collections import OrderedDict
    import file1
    from file1 import func1
    import file2
    from file2 import func2
    def inner_func():
        return 15
    def test_func():
        print('the value of x is', x)
        ##testing function calling:
        ##no further settings
        ##adding the file1.py to the filenames to be traced
        ##it appears that the full path to the file is needed:
        ##restoring original:
        ##setting that all files should be traced:
        setx.FOLLOWALL = True
    ##turn tracing on:
    setx.TRACING = True
    outer_test = 42  ##<-- this line will not show up in the output

    The files file1.py and file2.py look like this:

    def func1():
        return 7**2


    def func2():
        return 'abc'*3

    The output then looks like this:

    setx_tester.py, 16:     x=5
    setx_tester.py, 17:     print('the value of x is', x)
    the value of x is 5
    setx_tester.py, 20:     print('-'*50)
    setx_tester.py, 22:     print(inner_func())
    setx_tester.py, 12:     return 15
    setx_tester.py, 23:     print(func1())
    setx_tester.py, 24:     print(func2())
    setx_tester.py, 26:     print('-'*50)
    setx_tester.py, 29:     setx.FILENAMES.append(file1.__file__)
    setx_tester.py, 30:     print(inner_func())
    setx_tester.py, 12:     return 15
    setx_tester.py, 31:     print(func1())
    **path to file**/file1.py, 2:     return 7**2
    setx_tester.py, 32:     print(func2())
    setx_tester.py, 34:     print('-'*50)
    setx_tester.py, 36:     setx.FILENAMES.pop()
    setx_tester.py, 39:     setx.FOLLOWALL = True
    setx_tester.py, 40:     print(inner_func())
    setx_tester.py, 12:     return 15
    setx_tester.py, 41:     print(func1())
    **path to file**/file1.py, 2:     return 7**2
    setx_tester.py, 42:     print(func2())
    **path to file**/file2.py, 2:     return 'abc'*3
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  • 2020-12-04 20:14

    You can use the trace module:

    python -m trace -t your_script.py

    The command line above will display every line of code as it is executed.

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