I have texts in UTF-8 with diacritic characters also, and would like to check if first letter of this text is upper case or lower case. How to do this?
If you want it in a nice function, I've used this:
function _is_upper ($in_string)
return($in_string === strtoupper($in_string) ? true : false);
Then just call..
if (_is_upper($mystring))
// Do....
echo preg_match('~^\p{Lu}~u', $string_data) ? 'Upper' : 'lower';
/** Please check below lines. I have elaborate above code. **/ ~ ; start pattern delimiter ^ ; match from the start of the input string \p{Lu} ; match exactly one uppercase letter (Unicode safe) ~ ; ending pattern delimiter u ; enable unicode match
I think that making a preg_ call is the most direct, concise, and reliable call versus the other posted solutions here.
echo preg_match('~^\p{Lu}~u', $string) ? 'upper' : 'lower';
/** Please check the below lines. I have elaborated above code. **/~ ; start pattern delimiter ^ ; match from the start of the input string \p{Lu} ; match exactly one uppercase letter (Unicode safe) ~ ; ending pattern delimiter u ; enable unicode match $dataArr = ['âa', 'Bbbbb', 'Éé', 'iou', 'Δδ'];
foreach ($dataArr as $val) { echo "\n{$val}:"; echo "\n\tPREG: " , preg_match('~^\p{Lu}~u', $val) ? 'upper' : 'lower'; echo "\n\tCTYPE: " , ctype_upper(mb_substr($val, 0, 1)) ? 'upper' : 'lower'; echo "\n\t< a: " , mb_substr($val, 0, 1) < 'a' ? 'upper' : 'lower'; $char = mb_substr ($val, 0, 1, "UTF-8"); echo "\n\tMB: " , mb_strtoupper($char, "UTF-8") == $char? 'upper' : 'lower'; }
This one is best. Just try it.
Use ctype_upper
for check upper case:
$a = array("Word", "word", "wOrd");
foreach($a as $w)
print $w;
Tried ?
$str = 'the text to test';
if($str{0} === strtoupper($str{0})) {
echo 'yepp, its uppercase';
echo 'nope, its not upper case';
I didn't want numbers and others to be an upper char, so I use:
// this must be an upper char
echo $char