How to validate white spaces/empty spaces? [Angular 2]

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遇见更好的自我 2020-12-04 19:14

I would like to avoid white spaces/empty spaces in my angular 2 form? Is it possible? How can this be done?

  • 2020-12-04 19:48

    To validate white space in starting in an input you can just call change event and do inline function for that.

    <input type="text" class="form-control"                     
                placeholder="First Name without white space in starting"
                (change) ="user.FirstName = user.FirstName.trim()"

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  • 2020-12-04 19:51

    You can create a custom validator to handle this.

    new FormControl(field.fieldValue || '', [Validators.required, this.noWhitespaceValidator])

    Add noWhitespaceValidator method to your component

    public noWhitespaceValidator(control: FormControl) {
        const isWhitespace = (control.value || '').trim().length === 0;
        const isValid = !isWhitespace;
        return isValid ? null : { 'whitespace': true };

    and in the HTML

    <div *ngIf="yourForm.hasError('whitespace')">Please enter valid data</div>
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  • 2020-12-04 19:53

    This is a slightly different answer to one below that worked for me:

    public static validate(control: FormControl): { whitespace: boolean } {
        const valueNoWhiteSpace = control.value.trim();
        const isValid = valueNoWhiteSpace === control.value;
        return isValid ? null : { whitespace: true };

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  • 2020-12-04 19:54

    To avoid the form submition, just use required attr in the input fields.

    <input type="text" required>

    Or, after submit

    When the form is submited, you can use str.trim() to remove white spaces form start and end of an string. I did a submit function to show you:

            // launch an alert to say the user the field cannot be empty
            return false;
   =; // removes white 
            // do your logic here
            return true;
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  • 2020-12-04 19:56

    i have used form valueChanges function to prevent white spaces. every time it will trim all the fields after that required validation will work for blank string.

    Like here:-

    this.anyForm.valueChanges.subscribe(data => {
       for (var key in data) {
            if (data[key].trim() == "") {
              this.f[key].setValue("", { emitEvent: false });

    Edited --

    if you work with any number/integer in you form control in that case trim function will not work directly use like :

    this.anyForm.valueChanges.subscribe(data => {
      for (var key in data) {
            if (data[key] && data[key].toString().trim() == "") {
              this.f[key].setValue("", { emitEvent: false });
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  • 2020-12-04 19:58

    Prevent user to enter space in textbox in Angular 6

    <input type="text" ("$event.preventDefault();" required />
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