I got a JavaScript object which I would like to get x-www-form-urlencoded
Something like $(\'#myform\').serialize()
but for objects.
An extension to @Grallen's Answer 1 – if you need a shorter URL:
Instead of:
function jsonToUri(v, r, s) {
return encodeURIComponent(
JSON.stringify(v, r, s)
.replace(/[()'~_!*]/g, function(c) {
// Replace ()'~_!* with \u0000 escape sequences
return '\\u' + ('0000' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
.replace(/\{/g, '(') // { -> (
.replace(/\}/g, ')') // } -> )
.replace(/"/g, "'") // " -> '
.replace(/\:/g, '~') // : -> ~
.replace(/,/g, '_') // , -> _
.replace(/\[/g, '!') // [ -> !
.replace(/\]/g, '*') // ] -> *
function uriToJson(t, r) {
return JSON.parse(
.replace(/\(/g, '{') // ( -> {
.replace(/\)/g, '}') // ) -> }
.replace(/'/g, '"') // ' -> "
.replace(/~/g, ':') // ~ -> :
.replace(/_/g, ',') // _ -> ,
.replace(/\!/g, '[') // ! -> [
.replace(/\*/g, ']') // * -> ]
, r
//////// TESTS ////////
var a = {q: 'SomethingTM', filters: [{kind: 'A', q: 'foobar'}, {kind: 'B', isntIt: true}], pagenumber: 1}
var b = jsonToUri(a)
var c = uriToJson(b)
// ('q'~'SomethingTM'_'filters'~!('kind'~'A'_'q'~'foobar')_('kind'~'B'_'isntIt'~true)*_'pagenumber'~1)
// {"q":"SomethingTM","filters":[{"kind":"A","q":"foobar"},{"kind":"B","isntIt":true}],"pagenumber":1}
var a2 = {"q":"Something(TM)","filters":[{"kind":"A*","q":"foo_bar"},{"kind":"B!","isn'tIt":true}],"page~number":1}
var b2 = jsonToUri(a2)
var c2 = uriToJson(b2)
// ('q'~'Something%5Cu0028TM%5Cu0029'_'filters'~!('kind'~'A%5Cu002a'_'q'~'foo%5Cu005fbar')_('kind'~'B%5Cu0021'_'isn%5Cu0027tIt'~true)*_'page%5Cu007enumber'~1)
// {"q":"Something(TM)","filters":[{"kind":"A*","q":"foo_bar"},{"kind":"B!","isn'tIt":true}],"page~number":1}
See jQuery.param(...). Converts to uri, see link for more information!
FYI, the accepted answer doesn't include support for nested objects. Here's one way that you can accomplish this:
function xwwwfurlenc(srcjson, parent=""){
if(typeof srcjson !== "object")
if(typeof console !== "undefined"){
console.log("\"srcjson\" is not a JSON object");
return null;
let u = encodeURIComponent;
let urljson = "";
let keys = Object.keys(srcjson);
for(let i=0; i < keys.length; i++){
let k = parent ? parent + "[" + keys[i] + "]" : keys[i];
if(typeof srcjson[keys[i]] !== "object"){
urljson += u(k) + "=" + u(srcjson[keys[i]]);
} else {
urljson += xwwwfurlenc(srcjson[keys[i]], k)
if(i < (keys.length-1))urljson+="&";
return urljson;
Please look closely at both answers I provide here to determine which fits you best.
Likely what you need: Readies a JSON to be used in a URL as a single argument, for later decoding.
For those who just want a function to do it:
function jsonToURI(json){ return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(json)); }
function uriToJSON(urijson){ return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(urijson)); }
Uses a JSON as a source of key value pairs for x-www-form-urlencoded
// This should probably only be used if all JSON elements are strings
function xwwwfurlenc(srcjson){
if(typeof srcjson !== "object")
if(typeof console !== "undefined"){
console.log("\"srcjson\" is not a JSON object");
return null;
u = encodeURIComponent;
var urljson = "";
var keys = Object.keys(srcjson);
for(var i=0; i <keys.length; i++){
urljson += u(keys[i]) + "=" + u(srcjson[keys[i]]);
if(i < (keys.length-1))urljson+="&";
return urljson;
// Will only decode as strings
// Without embedding extra information, there is no clean way to
// know what type of variable it was.
function dexwwwfurlenc(urljson){
var dstjson = {};
var ret;
var reg = /(?:^|&)(\w+)=(\w+)/g;
while((ret = reg.exec(urljson)) !== null){
dstjson[ret[1]] = ret[2];
return dstjson;
let urlParameters = Object.entries(data).map(e => e.join('=')).join('&');
Try using this.
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned URLSearchParams
var prms = new URLSearchParams({
firstName: "Jonas",
lastName: "Gauffin"
// firstName=Jonas&lastName=Gauffin