I am getting the following error message while running .net 3.5 applciation
Your step-into request resulted in an automatic step-over of a property
VS2017 and VS2019:
Tools > Options > Debugging > Uncheck "Step over properties and operators > (Managed only)".
The setting for this in VS2010 is under: Tools -> Option -> Debugging (near the middle)
As answered by other people this is an informational message from Visual Studio telling you that it could have stepped into a line of code but rather stepped over it due to current dev environment settings.
There are three ways to change this behaviour in VS2012:
To be more specific: the option to enable in Visual Studio 2010 is:
Tools->Options->Debugging->General->Enable property evaluation and other implicit function calls
In Visual Studio 2013: right click on the line that caused the message to pop-up. This will bring up the context menu. Uncheck the option: Step over properties and operators.
Other posts have the correct answer, which state that you can change the option in Tools > Options > Debugging > Step over properties and operators (Managed only) in Visual Studio. I wanted to add an image from the Options dialog for those who are visual. Uncheck the property if you want to perform Step Into (F11) without automatic Step Over (F10).