I'm surprised by your result. What compiler are you using? Are you compiling with optimization turned all the way up? Have you confirmed using valgrind and Kcachegrind that this is where the bottleneck is? What processor are you using? What does the assembly code look like?
The conversion itself should be compiled to a single instruction. A good optimizing compiler should unroll the loop so that several conversions are done per test-and-branch. If that's not happening, you can unroll the loop by hand:
for(int i = 0; i < HUGE_NUMBER-3; i += 4) {
int_array[i] = float_array[i];
int_array[i+1] = float_array[i+1];
int_array[i+2] = float_array[i+2];
int_array[i+3] = float_array[i+3];
for(; i < HUGE_NUMBER; i++)
int_array[i] = float_array[i];
If your compiler is really pathetic, you might need to help it with the common subexpressions, e.g.,
int *ip = int_array+i;
float *fp = float_array+i;
ip[0] = fp[0];
ip[1] = fp[1];
ip[2] = fp[2];
ip[3] = fp[3];
Do report back with more info!