Easy interview question got harder: given numbers 1..100, find the missing number(s) given exactly k are missing

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时光说笑 2020-11-22 07:02

I had an interesting job interview experience a while back. The question started really easy:

Q1: We have a bag containing numbers

  • 2020-11-22 07:55

    Not sure, if it's the most efficient solution, but I would loop over all entries, and use a bitset to remember, which numbers are set, and then test for 0 bits.

    I like simple solutions - and I even believe, that it might be faster than calculating the sum, or the sum of squares etc.

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  • 2020-11-22 07:55

    I think this can be done without any complex mathematical equations and theories. Below is a proposal for an in place and O(2n) time complexity solution:

    Input form assumptions :

    # of numbers in bag = n

    # of missing numbers = k

    The numbers in the bag are represented by an array of length n

    Length of input array for the algo = n

    Missing entries in the array (numbers taken out of the bag) are replaced by the value of the first element in the array.

    Eg. Initially bag looks like [2,9,3,7,8,6,4,5,1,10]. If 4 is taken out, value of 4 will become 2 (the first element of the array). Therefore after taking 4 out the bag will look like [2,9,3,7,8,6,2,5,1,10]

    The key to this solution is to tag the INDEX of a visited number by negating the value at that INDEX as the array is traversed.

        IEnumerable<int> GetMissingNumbers(int[] arrayOfNumbers)
            List<int> missingNumbers = new List<int>();
            int arrayLength = arrayOfNumbers.Length;
            //First Pass
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
                int index = Math.Abs(arrayOfNumbers[i]) - 1;
                if (index > -1)
                    arrayOfNumbers[index] = Math.Abs(arrayOfNumbers[index]) * -1; //Marking the visited indexes
            //Second Pass to get missing numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
                //If this index is unvisited, means this is a missing number
                if (arrayOfNumbers[i] > 0)
                    missingNumbers.Add(i + 1);
            return missingNumbers;
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  • 2020-11-22 07:56

    Here's a summary of Dimitris Andreou's link.

    Remember sum of i-th powers, where i=1,2,..,k. This reduces the problem to solving the system of equations

    a1 + a2 + ... + ak = b1

    a12 + a22 + ... + ak2 = b2


    a1k + a2k + ... + akk = bk

    Using Newton's identities, knowing bi allows to compute

    c1 = a1 + a2 + ... ak

    c2 = a1a2 + a1a3 + ... + ak-1ak


    ck = a1a2 ... ak

    If you expand the polynomial (x-a1)...(x-ak) the coefficients will be exactly c1, ..., ck - see Viète's formulas. Since every polynomial factors uniquely (ring of polynomials is an Euclidean domain), this means ai are uniquely determined, up to permutation.

    This ends a proof that remembering powers is enough to recover the numbers. For constant k, this is a good approach.

    However, when k is varying, the direct approach of computing c1,...,ck is prohibitely expensive, since e.g. ck is the product of all missing numbers, magnitude n!/(n-k)!. To overcome this, perform computations in Zq field, where q is a prime such that n <= q < 2n - it exists by Bertrand's postulate. The proof doesn't need to be changed, since the formulas still hold, and factorization of polynomials is still unique. You also need an algorithm for factorization over finite fields, for example the one by Berlekamp or Cantor-Zassenhaus.

    High level pseudocode for constant k:

    • Compute i-th powers of given numbers
    • Subtract to get sums of i-th powers of unknown numbers. Call the sums bi.
    • Use Newton's identities to compute coefficients from bi; call them ci. Basically, c1 = b1; c2 = (c1b1 - b2)/2; see Wikipedia for exact formulas
    • Factor the polynomial xk-c1xk-1 + ... + ck.
    • The roots of the polynomial are the needed numbers a1, ..., ak.

    For varying k, find a prime n <= q < 2n using e.g. Miller-Rabin, and perform the steps with all numbers reduced modulo q.

    EDIT: The previous version of this answer stated that instead of Zq, where q is prime, it is possible to use a finite field of characteristic 2 (q=2^(log n)). This is not the case, since Newton's formulas require division by numbers up to k.

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  • 2020-11-22 07:56

    We can solve Q2 by summing both the numbers themselves, and the squares of the numbers.

    We can then reduce the problem to

    k1 + k2 = x
    k1^2 + k2^2 = y

    Where x and y are how far the sums are below the expected values.

    Substituting gives us:

    (x-k2)^2 + k2^2 = y

    Which we can then solve to determine our missing numbers.

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  • 2020-11-22 07:56

    A very simple solution to Q2 which I'm surprised nobody answered already. Use the method from Q1 to find the sum of the two missing numbers. Let's denote it by S, then one of the missing numbers is smaller than S/2 and the other is bigger than S/2 (duh). Sum all the numbers from 1 to S/2 and compare it to the formula's result (similarly to the method in Q1) to find the lower between the missing numbers. Subtract it from S to find the bigger missing number.

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  • 2020-11-22 07:57

    I asked a 4-year-old to solve this problem. He sorted the numbers and then counted along. This has a space requirement of O(kitchen floor), and it works just as easy however many balls are missing.

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