I have been struggling with this for a few hours. I am on a Mac using Yosemite. I had homebrew installed, and was using git just fine. I tried doing $git add -i
Os X Mojave 10.14 has:
Error: The Command Line Tools header package must be installed on Mojave.
Solution. Go to
location and install the package manually. And brew will start working and we can run:
brew uninstall --force git
brew cleanup --force -s git
brew prune
brew install git
Give another go at force removing the brewed version of git
brew uninstall --force git
Then cleanup any older versions and clear the brew cache
brew cleanup -s git
Remove any dead symlinks
brew cleanup --prune-prefix
Then try reinstalling git
brew install git
If that doesn't work, I'd remove that installation of Homebrew altogether and reinstall it. If you haven't placed anything else in your brew --prefix
directory (/usr/local
by default), you can simply rm -rf $(brew --prefix)
. Otherwise the Homebrew wiki recommends using a script at https://gist.github.com/mxcl/1173223#file-uninstall_homebrew-sh
Had a similar issue while installing "Lua" in OS X using homebrew. I guess it could be useful for other users facing similar issue in homebrew.
On running the command:
$ brew install lua
The command returned an error:
Error: /usr/local/opt/lua is not a valid keg
(in general the error can be of /usr/local/opt/ is not a valid keg
FIXED it by deleting the file/directory it is referring to, i.e., deleting the "/usr/local/opt/lua" file.
root-user # rm -rf /usr/local/opt/lua
And then running the brew install command returned success.