The first one is a named function statement, the second one assigns an anonymous function expression to a variable.
The function statement is added to its scope immediately - you don't need to run it before being able to call it, so this works:
var y = sum(1, 2);
function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
But the function expression is only assigned to the variable when the code is executed, so this doesn't work:
// Error here because the function hasn't been assigned to sum yet.
var y = sum(1, 2);
var sum = function(x, y) {
return x + y;
An advantage of the expression form is that you can use it to assign different functions to the expression at different points - so you can change the function, or use a different one under different conditions (such as depending on the browser being used).
An advantage of a named function statement, is that debuggers will be able to display the name. Although, you can name function expressions:
var sum = function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
But this can be confusing since the two names are actually in different scopes and refer to different things.