I\'m currently using spidermonkey to run my JavaScript code. I\'m wondering if there\'s a function to get input from the console similar to how Python does this:
You can try something like process.argv
, that is if you are using node.js
to run the program.
=> Would print an array containing
You get the user provided input via array index, i.e., console.log(process.argv[3])
This should provide you with the input which you can store.
var somevariable = process.argv[3]; // input one
var somevariable2 = process.argv[4]; // input two
If you are building a command-line program then the npm package yargs would be really helpful.
In plain JavaScript, simply use response = readline()
after printing a prompt.
In Node.js, you'll need to use the readline module: const readline = require('readline')
Good old readline();
See MDN docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/SpiderMonkey/Introduction_to_the_JavaScript_shell#readline.28.29
As you mentioned, prompt works for browsers all the way back to IE:
var answer = prompt('question', 'defaultAnswer');
For Node.js > v7.6, you can use console-read-write, which is a wrapper around the low-level readline module:
const io = require('console-read-write');
async function main() {
// Simple readline scenario
io.write('I will echo whatever you write!');
io.write(await io.read());
// Simple question scenario
io.write(`hello ${await io.ask('Who are you?')}!`);
// Since you are not blocking the IO, you can go wild with while loops!
let saidHi = false;
while (!saidHi) {
io.write('Say hi or I will repeat...');
saidHi = await io.read() === 'hi';
io.write('Thanks! Now you may leave.');
// I will echo whatever you write!
// > ok
// ok
// Who are you? someone
// hello someone!
// Say hi or I will repeat...
// > no
// Say hi or I will repeat...
// > ok
// Say hi or I will repeat...
// > hi
// Thanks! Now you may leave.
Disclosure I'm author and maintainer of console-read-write
For SpiderMonkey, simple readline
as suggested by @MooGoo and @Zaz.