What is the best way to simulate a user entering text in a text input box in JS and/or jQuery?
I don\'t want to actually put text in the input box,
You can achieve this with: EventTarget.dispatchEvent(event)
and by passing in a new KeyboardEvent as the event.
For example: element.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keypress', {'key': 'a'}))
Working example:
// get the element in question
const input = document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
// focus on the input element
// add event listeners to the input element
input.addEventListener('keypress', (event) => {
console.log("You have pressed key: ", event.key);
input.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
console.log(`key: ${event.key} has been pressed down`);
input.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
console.log(`key: ${event.key} has been released`);
// dispatch keyboard events
input.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keypress', {'key':'h'}));
input.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {'key':'e'}));
input.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keyup', {'key':'y'}));
<input type="text" placeholder="foo" />
MDN dispatchEvent
MDN KeyboardEvent
You're now able to do:
var e = $.Event("keydown", {keyCode: 64});
To trigger an enter keypress, I had to modify @ebynum response, specifically, using the keyCode property.
e = $.Event('keyup');
e.keyCode= 13; // enter
For typescript cast to KeyboardEventInit and provide the correct keyCode integer
const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
keyCode: 38,
} as KeyboardEventInit);
I thought I would draw your attention that in the specific context where a listener was defined within a jQuery plugin, then the only thing that successfully simulated the keypress event for me, eventually caught by that listener, was to use setTimeout(). e.g.
setTimeout(function() { $("#txtName").keypress() } , 1000);
Any use of $("#txtName").keypress()
was ignored, although placed at the end of the .ready() function
. No particular DOM supplement was being created asynchronously anyway.
Here's a vanilla js example to trigger any event:
function triggerEvent(el, type){
if ('createEvent' in document) {
// modern browsers, IE9+
var e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
e.initEvent(type, false, true);
} else {
// IE 8
var e = document.createEventObject();
e.eventType = type;
el.fireEvent('on'+e.eventType, e);