Is anybody else getting this Chrome console warning?
A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at was set without the
Clearing my site data worked for me, and i hope it helps others:
I am using the same vuejs - Axios setup as a previous development enviorment which was utilizing the new PWA tech. So clearing the Application cache was the fix.
This is what was required for me in order to finally fix the problem. Read the warning carefully and enabled/disabled required elements in my google chrome settings
Do not ignore the warning and hide the warning messages!
Consider this as a workaround, Ideally whichever 3rd party app you are trying to load needs to have SameSite=None and Secure
params in their headers set.
Chrome version 80 will be available 4th of February. It looks like the console 'SameSite Cookie Attribute' warning is finally solved by Google. You can download Chrome Beta and make your own tests before the launch of the official version 80.
You can disable them through chrome://flags Cookie Deprecation messages disabled.
I have the same problem with paypal script and since its only them able to set the cookie, they need to fix it so browsers defaulting to this feature will be able to show the content to users properly.
This is something that the third-party cookie setters (like Stripe) need to handle on their end.
I reached out to Stripe because I was getting this message for Stripe payments.
Stripe support response:
It looks like we're already tracking this internally as this warning comes from Stripe.js, not from react-stripe-elements. For now this is a warning and won't affect payments, and we're working on a fix which will eliminate this message and be compatible with Chrome's upcoming cookie-handling changes.
(Me) So, it's all on your end? I don't need to do anything?
No, this is something we have to get worked out on our end.
Oh, if you're a developer at Stripe/Facebook/Pinterest/so-forth, this answer won't work for you ;)