In my iPhone app, I have a UIButton which I have created in Interface Builder. I can successfully enable and disable it like this in my code ...
Another option is to change the text color (to light gray for example) for the disabled state.
In the storyboard editor, choose Disabled
from the State Config
popup button. Use the Text Color
popup button to change the text color.
In code, use the -setTitleColor:forState:
Set title color
for different states:
@IBOutlet weak var loginButton: UIButton! {
didSet {
loginButton.setTitleColor(UIColor.init(white: 1, alpha: 0.3), for: .disabled)
loginButton.setTitleColor(UIColor.init(white: 1, alpha: 1), for: .normal)
Usage: (text color will get change automatically)
loginButton.isEnabled = false
This question has a lot of answers but all they looks not very useful in case if you really want to use backgroundColor to style your buttons. UIButton has nice option to set different images for different control states but there is not same feature for background colors. So one of solutions is to add extension which will generate images from color and apply them to button.
extension UIButton {
private func image(withColor color: UIColor) -> UIImage? {
let rect = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 1.0, height: 1.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image
func setBackgroundColor(_ color: UIColor, for state: UIControlState) {
self.setBackgroundImage(image(withColor: color), for: state)
Only one issue with this solution -- this change won't be applied to buttons created in storyboard. As for me it's not an issue because I prefer to style UI from code. If you want to use storyboards then some additional magic with @IBInspectable
Second option is subclassing but I prefer to avoid this.
Maybe you can subclass your button and override your isEnabled variable. The advantage is that you can reuse in multiple places.
override var isEnabled: Bool {
didSet {
if isEnabled {
self.alpha = 1
} else {
self.alpha = 0.2
This is quite an old question but there's a much simple way of achieving this.
myButton.userInteractionEnabled = false
This will only disable any touch gestures without changing the appearance of the button
If you use a text button, you can put into viewDidLoad the instance method
- (void)setTitleColor:(UIColor *)color forState:(UIControlState)state
[self.syncImagesButton setTitleColor:[UIColor grayColor] forState:UIControlStateDisabled];