Avoid expunging timer on glassfish

后端 未结 2 1966
伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-04 16:00

I have a method annotated with @Schedule that is called by the container once in a while.

@Schedule(second = \"*/5\", minute = \"*\", hour = \"*\", persisten         

  • 2020-12-04 16:29

    The current Glassfish up to version 4 expunges a timer if during the execution of the timeout callback method an application exception occurs.

    The application exception causes a rollback of the current transaction. In such a situation Glassfish retries the error free execution of the timeout callback method once again. If a rollback again occurs Glassfish expunges the timer.

    I filed an issue in the Glassfish issue tracker not to expunge the timer in case of an excpetion. Glassfish seems to be the only application server who expunges a timer in case of an application exception. See glassfish #20749: Glassfish expunges timer even if callback method keeps its contract for more details. May you would like to vote for my issue.

    I also filed an issue on the EJB specification to clarify how the EJB container should behave in such situations. See ejb-spec #111: Please clearify the behaviour of an container if an application exception is thrown during the execution of a timer callback method for more details.

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  • 2020-12-04 16:32

    I'd use a different approach.

    Instead of throwing an exception directly from the scheduled method, try to introduce a level of indirection as in:

    @Inject RealWorkHere realImplementation;
    @Schedule(second = "*/5", minute = "*", hour = "*", persistent = false)
    public void myTimerMethod(){
      }catch (Exception x){
       // hopefully log it somewhere

    where RealWorkHere is the bean with the actual implementation as in:

    public class RealWorkHere{
       public void myTimerMethod() throws Exception {

    This comes with the benefit of:

    • Not throwing an exception in a container-initated transaction (thus avoiding the expunging)
    • Better logging of the Exception
    • Clear demarcation of the 'real' business transaction

    See also

    • ejb-spec #111: Please clearify the behaviour of an container if an application exception is thrown during the execution of a timer callback method
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