Problem: I am setting up jenkins + sonar + github integration for automatic pullrequest static code check through sonar.
Finally I am able to solve this issue. Here is the detail:
Install Jenkins with the following plugins
Follow this link to setup pull request builder plugin:
PullRequest Builder Setup
add github url to GitHub Project section
Setup Source Code Management Section
Setup Build Trigger
Setup Sonar for post build actions
In the additional properties section provide the following sonar properties
-Dsonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -Dsonar.github.repository=company/repo -Dsonar.github.login=gitusername -Dsonar.github.oauth=oauthtoken -Dsonar.login=admin -Dsonar.password=pass -Dsonar.github.pullRequest=${ghprbPullId} ${ghprbPullId}: this will be provided via github pullrequest builder plugin
Note: The job should be triggered through pullrequest builder plugin otherwise ${ghprbPullId} will return blank. If you run the job manually this will not work for that you have to pass this ${ghprbPullId} property as a build parameter. If you want to check the environment parameter available follow this Git environment variables for use in executing Jenkins shell scripts
I hope this helps.
Too long for a comment so I'll have to write it here.
After some research on the web I've found a question on SO from someone a few steps ahead of you in the process of trying to setup a similar system, here. They're trying to get this all working with Maven, I'm not sure if you are also, but either way you can then see the link they've been using to help them with their script:
This shows they need to write a script that will retrieve the pull number dynamically for them. I think you may need to follow a similar approach and write a script that will retrieve the number for you, I believe one of the github conf files keeps track of the current pull request number for its own tracking purposes.
Not really as straight forward an answer as you might have been hoping for, but hopefully this is new information that helps you get there.