I am trying to add a new post to my Jekyll site, but I cannot see it on the generated pages when I run jekyll serve
What are some common reasons for a
I have written Rspec tests for my blog that express these rules:
require 'spec_helper'
require 'yaml'
# Documented at https://jekyllrb.com/news/2017/03/02/jekyll-3-4-1-released/
post_regex = %r!^(?:.+/)*(\d{2,4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2})-(.*)(\.[^.]+)$!
def date_in_front_matter(date)
return date if date.is_a?(Date)
return date.to_date if date.is_a?(Time)
return Date.parse(date) if date.is_a?(String)
describe 'posts' do
Dir.glob("_posts/*md").each do |file|
basename = File.basename(file)
context basename do
front_matter = YAML.load(File.read(file).split(/---/)[1])
it 'filename must match documented post regex' do
expect(basename).to match post_regex
it 'date in file name same day as date in front matter' do
date_in_file_name = Date.parse(post_regex.match(basename).captures[0])
expect(date_in_front_matter(front_matter['date'])).to eq date_in_file_name
it 'title in front matter should not contain a colon' do
expect(front_matter['title']).to_not match /:/
it 'front matter should not have published: false' do
expect(front_matter['published']).to_not be false
This may be of use to others as I was losing a lot of time due to typos in the date etc.
These tests along with the rest of the Rspec config can be seen in context here.
Just to add one more reason, when you move an article from _drafts
to _post
, you sometimes need to delete the _site
for the article to be regenerated.
In my case it often happens that _site
will not be entirely deleted before re-generation so the new article won't appear.
Anyway rm -rf _site
and bundle exec jekyll serve
works :)
If you are unable to track the file in --verbose
and if the file is silently ignored then try removing collections_dir
in the config.yml
file. That solved the issue for me.