For the following code:
<%= link_to \"Some Page\", some_path %>
How do I apply a css class current
using the
I think if would be good idea if you generate whole link_to
from your helper method. Why to repeat the same code ( :-) DRY principle)
def create_link(text, path)
class_name = current_page?(path) ? 'current' : 'any_other_class'
link_to text, path, class: class_name
Now you can use like:
<%= create_link 'xyz', any_path %>
(in views) which would render as <a href="/any" class="current">xyz</a>
Hope it helps!
In app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def cp(path)
"current" if current_page?(path)
In your views:
<%= link_to "All Posts", posts_path, class: cp(posts_path) %>
Basically write a simple wrapper around it. Additionally you could extend the method to allow additional classes to be applied by adding arguments. Keeps the views concise/dry. Or, without extending the method, you could just do simple String interpolation like so to add additional classes:
<%= link_to "All Posts", posts_path, class: "#{cp(posts_path)} additional_class" %>