If I have a list of dictionaries, say:
[{\'id\': 1, \'name\': \'paul\'},
{\'id\': 2, \'name\': \'john\'}]
and I would like to remove the d
Here's a way to do it with a list comprehension (assuming you name your list 'foo'):
[x for x in foo if not (2 == x.get('id'))]
Substitute 'john' == x.get('name')
or whatever as appropriate.
also works:
foo.filter(lambda x: x.get('id')!=2, foo)
And if you want a generator you can use itertools:
itertools.ifilter(lambda x: x.get('id')!=2, foo)
However, as of Python 3, filter
will return an iterator anyway, so the list comprehension is really the best choice, as Alex suggested.