I am opening a file which has 100,000 URL\'s. I need to send an HTTP request to each URL and print the status code. I am using Python 2.6, and so far looked at the many con
This twisted async web client goes pretty fast.
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, DeferredList, DeferredLock
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
from twisted.web.client import Agent, HTTPConnectionPool
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from pprint import pprint
from collections import defaultdict
from urlparse import urlparse
from random import randrange
import fileinput
pool = HTTPConnectionPool(reactor)
pool.maxPersistentPerHost = 16
agent = Agent(reactor, pool)
locks = defaultdict(DeferredLock)
codes = {}
def getLock(url, simultaneous = 1):
return locks[urlparse(url).netloc, randrange(simultaneous)]
def getMapping(url):
# Limit ourselves to 4 simultaneous connections per host
# Tweak this number, but it should be no larger than pool.maxPersistentPerHost
lock = getLock(url,4)
yield lock.acquire()
resp = yield agent.request('HEAD', url)
codes[url] = resp.code
except Exception as e:
codes[url] = str(e)
dl = DeferredList(getMapping(url.strip()) for url in fileinput.input())
dl.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
I know this is an old question, but in Python 3.7 you can do this using asyncio
and aiohttp
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientConnectorError
async def fetch_html(url: str, session: ClientSession, **kwargs) -> tuple:
resp = await session.request(method="GET", url=url, **kwargs)
except ClientConnectorError:
return (url, 404)
return (url, resp.status)
async def make_requests(urls: set, **kwargs) -> None:
async with ClientSession() as session:
tasks = []
for url in urls:
fetch_html(url=url, session=session, **kwargs)
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
for result in results:
print(f'{result[1]} - {str(result[0])}')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pathlib
import sys
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 7), "Script requires Python 3.7+."
here = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
with open(here.joinpath("urls.txt")) as infile:
urls = set(map(str.strip, infile))
You can read more about it and see an example here.
Threads are absolutely not the answer here. They will provide both process and kernel bottlenecks, as well as throughput limits that are not acceptable if the overall goal is "the fastest way".
A little bit of twisted
and its asynchronous HTTP
client would give you much better results.
Use grequests , it's a combination of requests + Gevent module .
GRequests allows you to use Requests with Gevent to make asyncronous HTTP Requests easily.
Usage is simple:
import grequests
urls = [
Create a set of unsent Requests:
>>> rs = (grequests.get(u) for u in urls)
Send them all at the same time:
>>> grequests.map(rs)
[<Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>]
I found that using the tornado
package to be the fastest and simplest way to achieve this:
from tornado import ioloop, httpclient, gen
def main(urls):
Asynchronously download the HTML contents of a list of URLs.
:param urls: A list of URLs to download.
:return: List of response objects, one for each URL.
def fetch_and_handle():
httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, defaults=dict(user_agent='MyUserAgent'))
http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
waiter = gen.WaitIterator(*[http_client.fetch(url, raise_error=False, method='HEAD')
for url in urls])
results = []
# Wait for the jobs to complete
while not waiter.done():
response = yield waiter.next()
except httpclient.HTTPError as e:
print(f'Non-200 HTTP response returned: {e}')
except Exception as e:
print(f'An unexpected error occurred querying: {e}')
print(f'URL \'{response.request.url}\' has status code <{response.code}>')
return results
loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
web_pages = loop.run_sync(fetch_and_handle)
return web_pages
my_urls = ['url1.com', 'url2.com', 'url100000.com']
responses = main(my_urls)
If you're looking to get the best performance possible, you might want to consider using Asynchronous I/O rather than threads. The overhead associated with thousands of OS threads is non-trivial and the context switching within the Python interpreter adds even more on top of it. Threading will certainly get the job done but I suspect that an asynchronous route will provide better overall performance.
Specifically, I'd suggest the async web client in the Twisted library (http://www.twistedmatrix.com). It has an admittedly steep learning curve but it quite easy to use once you get a good handle on Twisted's style of asynchronous programming.
A HowTo on Twisted's asynchronous web client API is available at: