With WebDriver
from Selenium 2.0a2 I am having trouble checking if an element is visible.
returns a WebElement<
None of the answers using isDisplayed
or similar are correct. They only check if the display
property is not none
, not if the element can actually be seen! Selenium had a bunch of static utility methods added in the ExpectedConditions class. Two of them can be used in this case:
// visibilityOfElementLocated has been statically imported
public demo(){
By searchButtonSelector = By.className("search_button");
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
WebElement searchButton = wait.until(
//clicks the search button
This was my answer before finding out about the utility methods on ExpectedConditions
. It might still be relevant, as I assume it does more than the method mentioned above, which only checks the element has a height and a width.
In essence: this cannot be answered by Java and the findElementBy*
methods and WebElement#isDisplayed
alone, as they can only tell you if an element exists, not if it is actually visible. The OP hasn't defined what visible means, but it normally entails
> 0display
property set to something else than none
prop is set to visible
Most people would also include the requirement that it is actually within the viewport as well (so a person would be able to see it).
For some reason, this quite normal need is not met by the pure Java API, while front-ends to Selenium that builds upon it often implements some variation of isVisible
, which is why I knew this should be possible. And after browsing the source of the Node framework WebDriver.IO I found the source of isVisible
, which is now renamed to the more aptly name of isVisibleInViewport
in the 5.0-beta.
Basically, they implement the custom command as a call that delegates to a javascript that runs on the client and does the actual work! This is the "server" bit:
export default function isDisplayedInViewport () {
return getBrowserObject(this).execute(isDisplayedInViewportScript, {
[ELEMENT_KEY]: this.elementId, // w3c compatible
ELEMENT: this.elementId // jsonwp compatible
So the interesting bit is the javascript sent to run on the client:
* check if element is visible and within the viewport
* @param {HTMLElement} elem element to check
* @return {Boolean} true if element is within viewport
export default function isDisplayedInViewport (elem) {
const dde = document.documentElement
let isWithinViewport = true
while (elem.parentNode && elem.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect) {
const elemDimension = elem.getBoundingClientRect()
const elemComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(elem)
const viewportDimension = {
width: dde.clientWidth,
height: dde.clientHeight
isWithinViewport = isWithinViewport &&
(elemComputedStyle.display !== 'none' &&
elemComputedStyle.visibility === 'visible' &&
parseFloat(elemComputedStyle.opacity, 10) > 0 &&
elemDimension.bottom > 0 &&
elemDimension.right > 0 &&
elemDimension.top < viewportDimension.height &&
elemDimension.left < viewportDimension.width)
elem = elem.parentNode
return isWithinViewport
This piece of JS can actually be copied (almost) verbatim into your own codebase (remove export default
and replace const
with var
in case of non-evergreen browsers)! To use it, read it from File
into a String
that can be sent by Selenium for running on the client.
Another interesting and related script that might be worth looking into is selectByVisibleText.
If you haven't executed JS using Selenium before you could have a small peek into this or browse the JavaScriptExecutor API.
Usually, try to always use non-blocking async scripts (meaning #executeAsyncScript), but since we already have a synchronous, blocking script we might as well use the normal sync call. The returned object can be many types of Object, so cast approprately. This could be one way of doing it:
* Demo of a java version of webdriverio's isDisplayedInViewport
* https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio/blob/v5.0.0-beta.2/packages/webdriverio/src/commands/element/isDisplayedInViewport.js
* The super class GuiTest just deals with setup of the driver and such
class VisibleDemoTest extends GuiTest {
public static String readScript(String name) {
try {
File f = new File("selenium-scripts/" + name + ".js");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) );
return reader.lines().collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator()));
} catch(IOError e){
throw new RuntimeError("No such Selenium script: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
public static Boolean isVisibleInViewport(RemoteElement e){
// according to the Webdriver spec a string that identifies an element
// should be deserialized into the corresponding web element,
// meaning the 'isDisplayedInViewport' function should receive the element,
// not just the string we passed to it originally - how this is done is not our concern
// This is probably when ELEMENT and ELEMENT_KEY refers to in the wd.io implementation
// Ref https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#dfn-json-deserialize
return js.executeScript(readScript("isDisplayedInViewport"), e.getId());
public static Boolean isVisibleInViewport(String xPath){
public demo_isVisibleInViewport(){
// you can build all kinds of abstractions on top of the base method
// to make it more Selenium-ish using retries with timeouts, etc
If you're using C#, it would be driver.Displayed. Here's an example from my own project:
if (!driver.FindElement(By.Name("newtagfield")).Displayed) //if the tag options is not displayed
driver.FindElement(By.Id("expand-folder-tags")).Click(); //make sure the folder and tags options are visible
It is important to see if the element is visible or not as the Driver.FindElement
will only check the HTML source. But popup code could be in the page html, and not be visible. Therefore, Driver.FindElement
function returns a false positive (and your test will fail)
element instanceof RenderedWebElement
should work.
Even though I'm somewhat late answering the question:
You can now use WebElement.isDisplayed() to check if an element is visible.
There are many reasons why an element could be invisible. Selenium tries cover most of them, but there are edge cases where it does not work as expected.
For example, isDisplayed()
does return false
if an element has display: none
or opacity: 0
, but at least in my test, it does not reliably detect if an element is covered by another due to CSS positioning.
if( driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div***")).isDisplayed()){
System.out.println("Element is Visible");
catch(NoSuchElementException e){
System.out.println("Element is InVisible");