Python numpy 2D array indexing

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-04 12:35

I am quite new to python and numpy. Can some one pls help me to understand how I can do the indexing of some arrays used as indices. I have the following six 2D arrays like

  • 2020-12-04 13:10
    In [1]: import numpy as np
    In [2]: a = np.array([[2,0],[3,0],[3,1],[5,0],[5,1],[5,2]])
    In [3]: b = np.zeros((6,3), dtype='int32')
    In [4]: b[a[:,0], a[:,1]] = 10
    In [5]: b
    array([[ 0,  0,  0],
           [ 0,  0,  0],
           [10,  0,  0],
           [10, 10,  0],
           [ 0,  0,  0],
           [10, 10, 10]])

    Why it works:

    If you index b with two numpy arrays in an assignment,

    b[x, y] = z

    then think of NumPy as moving simultaneously over each element of x and each element of y and each element of z (let's call them xval, yval and zval), and assigning to b[xval, yval] the value zval. When z is a constant, "moving over z just returns the same value each time.

    That's what we want, with x being the first column of a and y being the second column of a. Thus, choose x = a[:, 0], and y = a[:, 1].

    b[a[:,0], a[:,1]] = 10

    Why b[a] = 10 does not work

    When you write b[a], think of NumPy as creating a new array by moving over each element of a, (let's call each one idx) and placing in the new array the value of b[idx] at the location of idx in a.

    idx is a value in a. So it is an int32. b is of shape (6,3), so b[idx] is a row of b of shape (3,). For example, when idx is

    In [37]: a[1,1]
    Out[37]: 0

    b[a[1,1]] is

    In [38]: b[a[1,1]]
    Out[38]: array([0, 0, 0])


    In [33]: b[a].shape
    Out[33]: (6, 2, 3)

    So let's repeat: NumPy is creating a new array by moving over each element of a and placing in the new array the value of b[idx] at the location of idx in a. As idx moves over a, an array of shape (6,2) would be created. But since b[idx] is itself of shape (3,), at each location in the (6,2)-shaped array, a (3,)-shaped value is being placed. The result is an array of shape (6,2,3).

    Now, when you make an assignment like

    b[a] = 10

    a temporary array of shape (6,2,3) with values b[a] is created, then the assignment is performed. Since 10 is a constant, this assignment places the value 10 at each location in the (6,2,3)-shaped array. Then the values from the temporary array are reassigned back to b. See reference to docs. Thus the values in the (6,2,3)-shaped array are copied back to the (6,3)-shaped b array. Values overwrite each other. But the main point is you do not obtain the assignments you desire.

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