I\'m using Celery to manage asynchronous tasks. Occasionally, however, the celery process goes down which causes none of the tasks to get executed. I would like to be able t
One method to test if any worker is responding is to send out a 'ping' broadcast and return with a successful result on the first response.
from .celery import app # the celery 'app' created in your project
def is_celery_working():
result = app.control.broadcast('ping', reply=True, limit=1)
return bool(result) # True if at least one result
This broadcasts a 'ping' and will wait up to one second for responses. As soon as the first response comes in, it will return a result. If you want a False
result faster, you can add a timeout
argument to reduce how long it waits before giving up.
From the documentation of celery 4.2:
from your_celery_app import app
def get_celery_worker_status():
i = app.control.inspect()
availability = i.ping()
stats = i.stats()
registered_tasks = i.registered()
active_tasks = i.active()
scheduled_tasks = i.scheduled()
result = {
'availability': availability,
'stats': stats,
'registered_tasks': registered_tasks,
'active_tasks': active_tasks,
'scheduled_tasks': scheduled_tasks
return result
of course you could/should improve the code with error handling...
The below script is worked for me.
#Import the celery app from project
from application_package import app as celery_app
def get_celery_worker_status():
insp = celery_app.control.inspect()
nodes = insp.stats()
if not nodes:
raise Exception("celery is not running.")
logger.error("celery workers are: {}".format(nodes))
return nodes
To check the same using command line in case celery is running as daemon,
celery -A [app_name] status
Source: http://michal.karzynski.pl/blog/2014/05/18/setting-up-an-asynchronous-task-queue-for-django-using-celery-redis/
The following worked for me:
import socket
from kombu import Connection
celery_broker_url = "amqp://localhost"
conn = Connection(celery_broker_url)
except socket.error:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect to RabbitMQ instance at {}".format(celery_broker_url))
You can use ping
method to check whether any worker (or specific worker) is alive or not