I have a sample from Gaelyk (called Bloogie) and it is using gradlew.
I am behind a proxy.
I\'ve read gradle docs and found this:
after of this JDK update, I couldn't use gradlew behind a proxy again. and finally I found a JDK has disabled Basic authentication for HTTPS tunneling by default. so I have to add this property for gradle.properties in addition to proxy settings
I hope it would be helpful for someone who struggle same problem
This problem with the Gradle Wrapper has been fixed with Gradle 1.0-milestone-8. Give it a shot.
I have the same proxy issue while working with Cordova project.
To fix the issue, I have created a new gradle.properties
file under the android
folder of my Cordova project (hello/platforms/android
), and added the code from your question
I could not get the proxy property to work until I set the https proxy:
However I had to use the http property for user name and password:
I was found that reading of properties from gradle.properties can be incorrect. In case line contains trail white space, gradle cannot find proxy. check your proxy file and cut whitespace at the end of line. Can be help
If you need https access behind a proxy, please consider defining also the same set of properties for systemProp.https.
See Can't build Android app using crashlytics behind VPN and proxy for more information.