I added one custom Security Config in my application on Spring Boot, but the message about \"Using default security password\" is still there in LOG file.
Is there a
Look up: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-security.html
From AuthenticationManagerConfiguration.java looking at code, I see below. Also the in-memory configuration is a fallback if no authentication manager is provided as per Javadoc. Your earlier attempt of Injecting the Authentication Manager would work because you will no longer be using the In-memory authentication and this class will be out of picture.
public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
if (auth.isConfigured()) {
User user = this.securityProperties.getUser();
if (user.isDefaultPassword()) {
logger.info("\n\nUsing default security password: " + user.getPassword()
+ "\n");
Set<String> roles = new LinkedHashSet<String>(user.getRole());
roles.toArray(new String[roles.size()]));
setField(auth, "defaultUserDetailsService", getUserDetailsService());
If you use inmemory authentication which is default, customize your logger configuration for org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.security.AuthenticationManagerConfiguration and remove this message.
On spring boot 2 with webflux you need to define a ReactiveAuthenticationManager
I came across the same problem and adding this line to my application.properties solved the issue.
It's one of the Spring's Automatic stuffs which you exclude it like excluding other stuffs such as actuators. I recommend looking at this link
Adding following in application.properties
worked for me,
Remember to restart the application and check in the console.
It is also possible to just turn off logging for that specific class in properties :
For Reactive Stack (Spring Webflux, Netty) you either need to exclude ReactiveUserDetailsServiceAutoConfiguration.class
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {ReactiveUserDetailsServiceAutoConfiguration.class})
Or define ReactiveAuthenticationManager bean (there are different implementations, here is the JWT one example)
public ReactiveJwtDecoder jwtDecoder() {
return new NimbusReactiveJwtDecoder(keySourceUrl);
public ReactiveAuthenticationManager authenticationManager() {
return new JwtReactiveAuthenticationManager(jwtDecoder());