I have a data frame containing \"name\"
of U.S. Presidents, the years when they start and end in office, (\"from\"
and \"to\"
Here's a dplyr
# the data
presidents <-
structure(list(name = c("Bill Clinton", "George W. Bush", "Barack Obama"
), from = c(1993, 2001, 2009), to = c(2001, 2009, 2012)), .Names = c("name",
"from", "to"), row.names = 42:44, class = "data.frame")
# the expansion of the table
presidents %>%
rowwise() %>%
do(data.frame(name = .$name, year = seq(.$from, .$to, by = 1)))
# the output
Source: local data frame [22 x 2]
Groups: <by row>
name year
(chr) (dbl)
1 Bill Clinton 1993
2 Bill Clinton 1994
3 Bill Clinton 1995
4 Bill Clinton 1996
5 Bill Clinton 1997
6 Bill Clinton 1998
7 Bill Clinton 1999
8 Bill Clinton 2000
9 Bill Clinton 2001
10 George W. Bush 2001
.. ... ...
h/t: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24804470/1036500
Another option using tidyverse
could be to gather
data into long format, group_by
and create a sequence between from
and to
presidents %>%
gather(key, date, -name) %>%
group_by(name) %>%
complete(date = seq(date[1], date[2]))%>%
# A tibble: 22 x 2
# Groups: name [3]
# name date
# <chr> <dbl>
# 1 Barack Obama 2009
# 2 Barack Obama 2010
# 3 Barack Obama 2011
# 4 Barack Obama 2012
# 5 Bill Clinton 1993
# 6 Bill Clinton 1994
# 7 Bill Clinton 1995
# 8 Bill Clinton 1996
# 9 Bill Clinton 1997
#10 Bill Clinton 1998
# … with 12 more rows
Another base
l <- mapply(`:`, d$from, d$to)
data.frame(name = d$name[rep(1:nrow(d), lengths(l))], year = unlist(l))
# name year
# 1 Bill Clinton 1993
# 2 Bill Clinton 1994
# ...snip
# 8 Bill Clinton 2000
# 9 Bill Clinton 2001
# 10 George W. Bush 2001
# 11 George W. Bush 2002
# ...snip
# 17 George W. Bush 2008
# 18 George W. Bush 2009
# 19 Barack Obama 2009
# 20 Barack Obama 2010
# 21 Barack Obama 2011
# 22 Barack Obama 2012
Here is a quick base-R
solution, where Df
is your data.frame
do.call(rbind, apply(Df, 1, function(x) {
data.frame(name=x[1], year=seq(x[2], x[3]))}))
It gives some warnings about row names, but appears to return the correct data.frame
Here's a data.table
solution. It has the nice (if minor) feature of leaving the presidents in their supplied order:
dt <- data.table(presidents)
dt[, list(year = seq(from, to)), by = name]
# name year
# 1: Bill Clinton 1993
# 2: Bill Clinton 1994
# ...
# ...
# 21: Barack Obama 2011
# 22: Barack Obama 2012
Edit: To handle presidents with non-consecutive terms, use this instead:
dt[, list(year = seq(from, to)), by = c("name", "from")]
You can use the plyr
ddply(presidents, "name", summarise, year = seq(from, to))
# name year
# 1 Barack Obama 2009
# 2 Barack Obama 2010
# 3 Barack Obama 2011
# 4 Barack Obama 2012
# 5 Bill Clinton 1993
# 6 Bill Clinton 1994
# [...]
and if it is important that the data be sorted by year, you can use the arrange
df <- ddply(presidents, "name", summarise, year = seq(from, to))
arrange(df, df$year)
# name year
# 1 Bill Clinton 1993
# 2 Bill Clinton 1994
# 3 Bill Clinton 1995
# [...]
# 21 Barack Obama 2011
# 22 Barack Obama 2012
Edit 1: Following's @edgester's "Update 1", a more appropriate approach is to use adply
to account for presidents with non-consecutive terms:
adply(foo, 1, summarise, year = seq(from, to))[c("name", "year")]