Upload new APK to Alpha
Upload failed
You uploaded an APK with an invalid signature (learn more about signing). Error from
It worked, when selected only V1 (Jar Signature) :-)
Many hints spread across the comments above but these steps are what (FINALLY) worked for my Android (Cordova) app as of 11/2019:
Increment Android Build/Version Number in Manifest (if necessary)
Run cordova build android
Open project in Android Studio
Run Build > Clean Project
Run Build > Generated Signed Bundle / APK
Fill out dialogs and ONLY check the "V1 JAR" sign checkbox - did not check the "V2 Full APK Signature" checkbox.
Upload APK to Google Play Dashboard
Cross your fingers
First remove your project's build
folder, then generate apk or bundle again. This solution was fixed the issue for me.
Make sure you're using the right certificate key file and follow these steps in Android Studio:
That should work!
I think that you probably simply accepted the default configuration settings during the APK signup process in Android Studio. This is ok most of the time, but might generate a slight confusion if you use Android 7.0+ Indeed from version 7.0, Android intruduces the new V2 Signature Scheme in addition to the "old" V1. The new scheme is supposed to offer faster app install times and more protection against unauthorized alterations to APK files, and it is therefore the default scheme in Android Studio's "Generate Signed APK" dialog box.
The problem is that Google Play in your case wants the V1 scheme to be applied, that is the JAR signing, rather than the APK signing as in V2. The Google Play documentation explicitly states that: "Although we recommend applying APK Signature Scheme v2 to your app, this new scheme is not mandatory. If your app doesn't build properly when using APK Signature Scheme v2, you can disable the new scheme.".
The solution that I have found in those cases is to enable both, as shown in the screenshot below. Once you do that the signed APK should be accepted without problems by the Google Play versions management system.
Generate Signed APK dialog box in Android Studio
This is the complete procedure: