Inside my Dockerfile:
ENV PROJECTNAME mytestwebsite
CMD [\"django-admin\", \"startproject\", \"$PROJECTNAME\"]
If you want to use the value at runtime, set the ENV
value in the Dockerfile
. If you want to use it at build-time, then you should use ARG
Example :
ARG value
ENV envValue=$value
CMD ["sh", "-c", "java -jar ${envValue}.jar"]
Pass the value in the build command:
docker build -t tagName --build-arg value="jarName"
Inspired on above, I did this:
#snapshot by default. 1 is release.
ENV isTagAndRelease=0
CMD echo is_tag: ${isTagAndRelease} && \
if [ ${isTagAndRelease} -eq 1 ]; then echo "release build"; mvn -B release:clean release:prepare release:perform; fi && \
if [ ${isTagAndRelease} -ne 1 ]; then echo "snapshot build"; mvn clean install; fi && \
Lets say you want to start a java process inside a container:
Example Dockerfile excerpt:
ENV JAVA_OPTS -XX +UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 -XshowSettings:vm
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/tini", "--", ""]
CMD ["java", "${JAVA_OPTS}", "-myargument=true"]
Example excerpt:
echo "*** Startup $0 suceeded now starting service using eval to expand CMD variables ***"
exec su-exec mytechuser $(eval echo "$@")
When you use an execution list, as in...
CMD ["django-admin", "startproject", "$PROJECTNAME"]
...then Docker will execute the given command directly, without involving a shell. Since there is no shell involved, that means:
, <
, |
, etccommand1; command2
If you want your CMD
to expand variables, you need to arrange for a shell. You can do that like this:
CMD ["sh", "-c", "django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME"]
Or you can use a simple string instead of an execution list, which gets you a result largely identical to the previous example:
CMD django-admin startproject $PROJECTNAME