Using JQuery - preventing form from submitting

后端 未结 13 2640
灰色年华 2020-11-22 06:51

How do I prevent a form from submitting using jquery?

I tried everything - see 3 different options I tried below, but it all won\'t work:


  • 2020-11-22 07:07

    You forget the form id, and it works

       alert('prevent submit');             
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  • 2020-11-22 07:09

    I also had the same problem. I also had tried what you had tried. Then I change my method not to use jquery but by using "onsubmit" attribute in the form tag.

    <form onsubmit="thefunction(); return false;"> 

    It works.

    But, when I tried to put the false return value only in "thefunction()", it doesn't prevent the submitting process, so I must put "return false;" in onsubmit attribute. So, I conclude that my form application cannot get the return value from Javascript function. I don't have any idea about it.

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  • 2020-11-22 07:09

    Using jQuery, you can do the following:

    1- Use the native form submit event with a Submit button, while preventing the event from firing, then

    2- Check the form Valid property This can be implemented as following:

    1- HTML:

     <form id="yourForm">
        <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Save"/>

    2- Javascript

     $("form").on("submit", function (e) {
            if ($(this).valid()) {  
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  • 2020-11-22 07:13

    This also appears to work and may be slightly simpler:

        return false;
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  • 2020-11-22 07:14

    Attach the event to the submit element not to the form element. For example in your html do like this

    $('input[type=submit]').on('click', function(e) {
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  • 2020-11-22 07:17
    // Prevent form submission
    $( "form" ).submit(function( event ) {

    from here: (interesting page on submit types)

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