I want to do something like this:
if [ $1 % 4 == 0 ]; then
But this does not work.
What do I need to do instead?
read n
if ! ((n % 4)); then
echo "$n divisible by 4."
The (( ))
operator evaluates expressions as C arithmetic, and has a boolean return.
Hence, (( 0 ))
is false, and (( 1 ))
is true. [1]
The $(( ))
operator also expands C arithmetic expressions, but instead of returning true/false, it returns the value instead. Because of this you can test the output if $(( ))
in this fashion: [2]
[[ $(( n % 4 )) == 0 ]]
But this is tantamount to: if (function() == false)
. Thus the simpler and more idiomatic test is:
! (( n % 4 ))
[1]: Modern bash handles numbers up to your machine's intmax_t
[2]: Note that you can drop $
inside of (( ))
, because it dereferences variables within.
single brackets ([..]
) don't work for some tests, try with double brackets ([[...]]
) and enclose the mod in ((..))
to evaluate the %
operator properly:
if [[ $(( $1 % 4 )) == 0 ]]; then
More details here:
This might work for you:
((a%4==0)) && echo "$a is divisible by 4" || echo "$a is not divisible by 4"
or more succinctly:
((a%4)) && echo "$a is not divisible by 4" || echo "$a is divisible by 4"
If you want something a bit more portable - for example, something that works in sh
as well as in bash
- use
if [ $(echo "$1 % 4" | bc) -eq 0 ]; then
An example
#@file: trymod4.bash
if [ $(echo "$1 % 4" | bc) -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$1 is evenly divisible by 4"
echo "$1 is NOT evenly divisible by 4"
$ chmod +x trymod4.bash
$ ./trymod4.bash 224
224 is evenly divisible by 4
$ ./trymod4.bash 223
223 is NOT evenly divisible by 4
I put this in, because you used the single [ ... ]
conditional, which I usually associate with sh
-compatible programs.
Check that this works in sh
#@file: trymod4.sh
if [ $(echo "$1 % 4" | bc) -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$1 is evenly divisible by 4"
echo "$1 is NOT evenly divisible by 4"
$ chmod +x trymod4.sh
$ ./trymod4.sh 144
144 is evenly divisible by 4
$ ./trymod4.sh 19
19 is NOT evenly divisible by 4
All right, it works with sh
Note the "theoretical" (but not always implemented as such) differences between [ ... ]
and [[ ... ]]
from this site (archived).
if [ $(( $a % 4 )) -eq 0 ]; then
echo "I'm here"