In my .vimrc
file, I have a key binding for commenting out that inserts double slashes (//
) at the start of a line:
" the mappi
Btw... if your primary problem is about commenting... you should check out 'nerdcommenter' plugin, its the fastest way to comment/uncomment your code in java/c/c++/python/dos_batch_file/etc etc.
You can use :map <buffer> ...
to make a local mapping just for the active buffer. This requires that your Vim was compiled with +localmap
So you can do something like
autocmd FileType python map <buffer> <C-G> ...
The ftdetect folder is for scripts of filetype detection. Filetype plugins must be inside the ftplugin folder. The filetype must be included in the file name in one of the following three forms:
For instance, you can map comments for the cpp filetype putting the following inside the .../ftplugin/cpp_mine.vim
:map <buffer> <C-G> :s/^/\/\//<Esc><Esc>
:map <buffer> <C-T> :s/\/\/// <Esc><Esc>
I prefer to have my configuration in a single file so I use the autocmd approach.
augroup pscbindings
autocmd! pscbindings
autocmd Filetype purescript nmap <buffer> <silent> K :Ptype<CR>
autocmd Filetype purescript nmap <buffer> <silent> <leader>pr :Prebuild!<CR>
augroup end
Vim doesn't clear set autocmds when you source your vimrc
, so starting vim, changing something in your vimrc
and running :so ~/.vimrc
would define autocmds twice. That's why the bindings are grouped and cleared with autocmd! group_name
. You can read more here.
Since mappings are applied to every buffer by default, and you want to change them for buffers matching the filetype only, the <buffer>
modifier is in there, limiting the mappings to the local buffer.
I recommend the .../ftplugin/<filetype>.vim
approach that freitass suggests, but in your specific case Vim Commentary will solve all of this for you.
This is only a partial answer for people coming here having difficulties getting any ftplugin scripts working, but remember that your .vimrc (or a file that it sources) should contain
filetype plugin on
:filetype plugin on
for filetype-plugins to be executed when a file of a given type is loaded.