Java Decompiler (JD) is generally recommended as a good, well, Java Decompiler. JD-Eclipse is the Eclipse plugin for JD.
I had problems on several different machines
I am using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo and Windows 7 64-bit:
What I did was to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package as suggested by the site and reminded by @Universalspezialist.
Then install the plugin as stated in the site:
Go to preference, then find "File Associations" Click on the *.class, then set the "class File Editor" as default.
Restart Eclipse perhaps? (I did this, but I'm not sure if it's necessary or not)
if you need to decompile standalone jar try JD-GUI by the same autor (of JD-Eclipse). It is a standalone application (does not need eclipse). It can open both *.class and *.jar files. Interesting enough it needs .Net installed (as do JD-Eclipse indeed), but otherwise works like a charm.
Find it here:
Steps to add the Java Decompiler in Eclipse :
Its should work for all version of eclipse even in Spring tool suit(STS). Here is the steps
Go to the URl Follow The link to download or click the bellow link to direct download Click Here to download
Download JD-Eclipse
Download and unzip the JD-Eclipse Update Site,
Launch Eclipse,
Click on "Help > Install New Software...",
Click on button "Add..." to add an new repository,
Enter "JD-Eclipse Update Site" and select the local site directory,
Select extracted folder and give any name. I have given JDA
and click ok.
Check "Java Decompiler Eclipse Plug-in",
Next, next, next... and restart Eclipse.
JAD Decomplier plug-in for Eclipse version 3.x and 4.x.
update site:
To Make it work in Eclipse Juno - I had to do some additional steps.
In General -> Editors -> File Association