How do I encode a string to base64 using only boost?

前端 未结 9 998
南方客 2020-12-04 10:53

I\'m trying to quickly encode a simple ASCII string to base64 (Basic HTTP Authentication using boost::asio) and not paste in any new code code or use any libraries beyond bo

  • 2020-12-04 11:37

    You could use beast's implementation.

    For boost version 1.71, the functions are:


    From #include <boost/beast/core/detail/base64.hpp>

    For older versions back to beast's inclusion in 1.66, the functions are:


    From #include <boost/beast/core/detail/base64.hpp>

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-04 11:37

    For anyone coming here from Google, here's my base64 encode/decode functions based off boost. It handles padding correctly as per DanDan's comment above. The decode functions stops when it encounters an illegal character, and returns a pointer to that character, which is great if you're parsing base64 in json or xml.

    /// Convert up to len bytes of binary data in src to base64 and store it in dest
    /// \param dest Destination buffer to hold the base64 data.
    /// \param src Source binary data.
    /// \param len The number of bytes of src to convert.
    /// \return The number of characters written to dest.
    /// \remarks Does not store a terminating null in dest.
    uint base64_encode(char* dest, const char* src, uint len)
        char tail[3] = {0,0,0};
        typedef base64_from_binary<transform_width<const char *, 6, 8> > base64_enc;
        uint one_third_len = len/3;
        uint len_rounded_down = one_third_len*3;
        uint j = len_rounded_down + one_third_len;
        std::copy(base64_enc(src), base64_enc(src + len_rounded_down), dest);
        if (len_rounded_down != len)
            uint i=0;
            for(; i < len - len_rounded_down; ++i)
                tail[i] = src[len_rounded_down+i];
            std::copy(base64_enc(tail), base64_enc(tail + 3), dest + j);
            for(i=len + one_third_len + 1; i < j+4; ++i)
                dest[i] = '=';
            return i;
        return j;
    /// Convert null-terminated string src from base64 to binary and store it in dest.
    /// \param dest Destination buffer
    /// \param src Source base64 string
    /// \param len Pointer to unsigned int representing size of dest buffer. After function returns this is set to the number of character written to dest.
    /// \return Pointer to first character in source that could not be converted (the terminating null on success)
    const char* base64_decode(char* dest, const char* src, uint* len)
        uint output_len = *len;
        typedef transform_width<binary_from_base64<const char*>, 8, 6> base64_dec;
        uint i=0;
            base64_dec src_it(src);
            for(; i < output_len; ++i)
                *dest++ = *src_it;
        *len = i;
        return src + (i+2)/3*4; // bytes in = bytes out / 3 rounded up * 4
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-04 11:43

    I modified the Answer 8 because it's not functional on my platform.

    const std::string base64_padding[] = {"", "==","="};
    std::string *m_ArchiveData;
    /// \brief  To Base64 string
    bool Base64Encode(string* output) 
            UInt32 iPadding_Mask = 0;
            typedef boost::archive::iterators::base64_from_binary
                <boost::archive::iterators::transform_width<const char *, 6, 8> > Base64EncodeIterator;  
            UInt32 len = m_ArchiveData->size();
            std::stringstream os;
            iPadding_Mask = m_ArchiveData->size() % 3;
            os << base64_padding[iPadding_Pask];
            *output = os.str();
            return output->empty() == false;  
        catch (...)
            PLOG_ERROR_DEV("unknown error happens");
            return false;
    /// \brief  From Base64 string
    bool mcsf_data_header_byte_stream_archive::Base64Decode(const std::string *input) 
            std::stringstream os;
            bool bPaded = false;
            typedef boost::archive::iterators::transform_width<boost::archive::iterators::
                binary_from_base64<const char *>, 8, 6> Base64DecodeIterator;  
            UInt32 iLength = input->length();
            // Remove the padding characters, cf.
            if (iLength && (*input)[iLength-1] == '=') {
                bPaded = true;
                if (iLength && (*input)[iLength - 1] == '=') 
            if (iLength == 0)
                return false;
                iLength --;
            copy(Base64DecodeIterator(input->c_str()) ,
            *m_ArchiveData = os.str();
            return m_ArchiveData->empty() == false;
        catch (...)
            PLOG_ERROR_DEV("unknown error happens");
            return false;
    0 讨论(0)