I was wondering how is it popssible to populate forms using JSON?
I have a JSON string which I get using php\'s json_encode()
And I want to use the JSON
There is a problem here with textarea
, then I change it to a default
switch value
Use this to assign values to Many Controls :
function populate(frm, data) {
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
var ctrl = $('[name='+key+']', frm);
switch(ctrl.prop("type")) {
case "radio": case "checkbox":
ctrl.each(function() {
if($(this).attr('value') == value) $(this).attr("checked",value);
Thanks Nowshath. It worked for me. I added a extra check in your version to be able to populate select options as well.
function populateForm(frm, data) {
$.each(data, function(key, value){
var $ctrl = $('[name='+key+']', frm);
if (this.value==value) { this.selected=true; }
else {
case "text" : case "hidden": case "textarea":
case "radio" : case "checkbox":
if($(this).attr('value') == value) { $(this).attr("checked",value); } });
}; // end of populateForm() function
This is an apendix to @Nowshath's answer
populateForm(form, data) {
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
if(value !== null && typeof value === 'object' ) {
this.populateForm(form, value);
else {
var ctrl = $('[name='+key+']', form);
switch(ctrl.prop("type")) {
case "radio": case "checkbox":
ctrl.each(function() {
In case anyone is looking to populate from a multidimensional json format, such as the result of $.serializeJSON[ https://github.com/marioizquierdo/jquery.serializeJSON ], here's a function to convert to a flat format.
function json2html_name_list(json, result, parent){
if(!result)result = {};
if(!parent)parent = '';
if((typeof json)!='object'){
result[parent] = json;
} else {
for(var key in json){
var value = json[key];
if(parent=='')var subparent = key;
else var subparent = parent+'['+key+']';
result = json2html_name_list(value, result, subparent);
return result;
Usecase example with the functions above:
populateForm($form, json2html_name_list(json))
With all the examples above though:
var $ctrl = $('[name='+key+']', frm);
needs to be changed to
var $ctrl = $('[name="'+key+'"]', frm);
to prevent a syntax error with jQuery
Take note list arrays have to be written with numbers(e.g. fruit[0], instead of fruit[]) in order to be work with this function.
For just text controls (i.e. no radios or checkboxes), you can make a simple version of a populate function:
function populate(frm, data) {
$.each(data, function(key, value){
$('[name='+key+']', frm).val(value);
Usage example:
populate('#MyForm', $.parseJSON(data));
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/Guffa/65QB3/3/
For a weird but valid JSON syntax like
look at this http://jsfiddle.net/saurshaz/z66XF/
We had this weird syntax being used in our application and we got around by writing the logic as above.