I\'ve followed this tutorial to setup unit testing on my app when I got a little stuck.
At bullet point 8 in that tutorial it shows this image, which is what I shou
Please have a look at apple's latest sample. When you download the code there is a read me file in which its clearly written:
Running Logic Tests
To run the logic tests:
1. Choose Project > Set Active Target > CalculatorTests.
2. Choose Project > Set Active SDK > Simulator.
3. Choose Build > Build. Xcode runs the test cases implemented in
the CalculatorTests.m file.
4. Choose Build > Build Results to open the Build Results window, containing
the tests results. You may have to click the Show Transcript button (the
third button on the bottom-left corner of the build results list) to view
the build transcript.
The logic-tests results look similar to this:
PhaseScriptExecution <project_directory>/build/iPhoneUnitTests.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/CalculatorTests.build/Script-17AA84010F99894F00167681.sh
cd <project_directory>
/bin/sh -c <project_directory>/build/iPhoneUnitTests.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/CalculatorTests.build/Script-17AA84010F99894F00167681.sh
/Developer/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests.include:364: note: Started tests for architectures 'i386'
/Developer/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests.include:371: note: Running tests for architecture 'i386' (GC OFF)
objc[1222]: GC: forcing GC OFF because OBJC_DISABLE_GC is set
objc[1222]: GC: forcing GC OFF because OBJC_DISABLE_GC is set
Test Suite '<project_directory>/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/CalculatorTests.octest(Tests)' started at 2009-05-19 16:55:28 -0700
Test Suite 'CalculatorTests' started at 2009-05-19 16:55:28 -0700
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testAddition] setUp
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testAddition] start
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testAddition] end
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testAddition] tearDown
Test Case '-[CalculatorTests testAddition]' passed (0.007 seconds).
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testDivision] setUp
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testDivision] start
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testDivision] end
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testDivision] tearDown
Test Case '-[CalculatorTests testDivision]' passed (0.003 seconds).
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testInputException] setUp
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testInputException] start
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testInputException] end
<time> otest[1222:80f] -[CalculatorTests testInputException] tearDown
Test Case '-[CalculatorTests testSubtractionNegativeResult]' passed (0.002 seconds).
Test Suite 'CalculatorTests' finished at 2009-05-19 16:55:28 -0700.
Executed 6 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.021 (0.022) seconds
Test Suite '<project_directory>/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/CalculatorTests.octest(Tests)' finished at 2009-05-19 16:55:28 -0700.
Executed 6 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.021 (0.024) seconds
/Developer/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests.include:388: note: Passed tests for architecture 'i386' (GC OFF)
/Developer/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests.include:399: note: Completed tests for architectures 'i386'
Remember that logic tests are executed as part of the build process to provide
you with build errors for failed unit tests. Logic unit-test bundles are not
intented to run in iPhone Simulator or a device.
Hence there is some change in the sentesting kit. I don't think it would be worth for filing a bug.
When you create your firt test case classes, make sure the Target is set to your UnitTest target, not your application target.
If you forget to do this when you create the class, you can "Get Info" on the existing class, and set the target there....
OK, never played with unit tests in XCode (of course I liked JUnit in good old java times). So it is just a trial: What compiler are you using, GCC or LLVM? Maybe GCC is the better choice to be on the safe side.
Do you have the same behaviour when "Build Active Architecture Only" in Project settings is enabled? This switch removes duplicate error messages when building for armv6 and armv7, maybe it's related.