CSRF for the win.
$newEmail = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
$pdoStatement = $pdoDb->prepare('UPDATE user SET email=:email WHERE ID=:id');
$pdoStatement->execute(array(':email'=>$newEmail, ':id'=>$_SESSION['userId']));
You feel safe with this kind of code. All is good your users can change their emails without injecting SQL because of your code.
But, imagine you have this on your site http://siteA/, one of your users is connected.
With the same browser, he goes on http://siteB/ where some AJAX does the equivalent of this code :
<form method="post" action="http://site/updateMyAccount.php">
<input name="email" value="badguy@siteB"/>
<input type="submit"/>
Your user just got his email changed without him knowing it. If you don't think this kind of attack is dangerous, ask google about it
To help against this kind of attacks, you can either :
- Check your user REFERER (far from perfect)
- Implement some tokens you had to your forms and check their presence when getting your data back.
Another one is session hijacking. One of the methods to do it is piggybacking.
If your server accepts non cookie sessions, you can have URLs like http://siteA/?PHPSESSID=blabla which means your session ID is blabla.
An attacker can start a session and note his session ID, then give the link http://siteA/?PHPSESSID=attackerSessionId to other users of your website. When these users follow this link, they share the same session as your attacker : a not logged session. So they login.
If the website does not do anything, your attacker and your user are still sharing the same session with the same rights. Bad thing if the user is an admin.
To mitigate this, you have to use session_regenerate_id when your users credentials change (log in and out, goes in administration section etc.).