I am trying to install the mysql2
gem via the Bundler, but it keeps dying with the following error:
** executing command
The above problem will be occured because the mysql-devel package is not properly installed in your system. I will be explain the same in Centos of how to fix it. When you try to install that package using,
yum install mysql-devel
somtimes there will be some clash occurs with the existing packages that gets installed if you install the MySql-Administrative tool and MySQL query browser.
In that case, you need to uninstall all the existing mysql2 packages and install it again.
rpm -qa -last | grep -i mysql
yum remove MySQL-server-5.5.27-1.rhel5
yum remove MySQL-client-5.5.27-1.rhel5
yum remove mysql-gui-tools-5.0r12-1rhel4
yum remove mysql-query-browser-5.0r12-1rhel4-a
So, you can uninstall whatever mysql things displayed with rpm -qa as like above.
Then you can install the mysql-server and mysql-client.
yum install mysql-server
yum install mysql-client
Now you do the installation of mysql-devel package.
yum install mysql-devel
Now there is no package clashes and you can able to install the mysql2 gem.
gem install mysql2 -v '0.3.11'
Now your mysql2 gem will be successfully installed and you are good to go.
For Ubuntu have to install following. libmysqlclient-dev libmysqlclient16
I ran into this issue while bundle installing for redmine on fedora 23. The solution I found was to issue this command - sudo dnf install redhat-rpm-config
Not only did this fix my issue with installing mysql2, but also for nokogiri and redcarpet.