I want to parse a string like \"3.5\"
to a double. However,
yields 35 and
My two cents on this topic, trying to provide a generic, double conversion method:
private static double ParseDouble(object value)
double result;
string doubleAsString = value.ToString();
IEnumerable<char> doubleAsCharList = doubleAsString.ToList();
if (doubleAsCharList.Where(ch => ch == '.' || ch == ',').Count() <= 1)
double.TryParse(doubleAsString.Replace(',', '.'),
out result);
if (doubleAsCharList.Where(ch => ch == '.').Count() <= 1
&& doubleAsCharList.Where(ch => ch == ',').Count() > 1)
double.TryParse(doubleAsString.Replace(",", string.Empty),
out result);
else if (doubleAsCharList.Where(ch => ch == ',').Count() <= 1
&& doubleAsCharList.Where(ch => ch == '.').Count() > 1)
double.TryParse(doubleAsString.Replace(".", string.Empty).Replace(',', '.'),
out result);
throw new ParsingException($"Error parsing {doubleAsString} as double, try removing thousand separators (if any)");
return result;
Works as expected with:
No default conversion is implemented, so it would fail trying to parse 1.3,14
, 1,3.14
or similar cases.
string testString1 = "2,457";
string testString2 = "2.457";
double testNum = 0.5;
char decimalSepparator;
decimalSepparator = testNum.ToString()[1];
Console.WriteLine(double.Parse(testString1.Replace('.', decimalSepparator).Replace(',', decimalSepparator)));
Console.WriteLine(double.Parse(testString2.Replace('.', decimalSepparator).Replace(',', decimalSepparator)));
It's difficult without specifying what decimal separator to look for, but if you do, this is what I'm using:
public static double Parse(string str, char decimalSep)
string s = GetInvariantParseString(str, decimalSep);
return double.Parse(s, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
public static bool TryParse(string str, char decimalSep, out double result)
// NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands got from Reflector
return double.TryParse(GetInvariantParseString(str, decimalSep), NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result);
private static string GetInvariantParseString(string str, char decimalSep)
str = str.Replace(" ", "");
if (decimalSep != '.')
str = SwapChar(str, decimalSep, '.');
return str;
public static string SwapChar(string value, char from, char to)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in value)
char c = item;
if (c == from)
c = to;
else if (c == to)
c = from;
return builder.ToString();
private static void ParseTestErr(string p, char p_2)
double res;
bool b = TryParse(p, p_2, out res);
if (b)
throw new Exception();
private static void ParseTest(double p, string p_2, char p_3)
double d = Parse(p_2, p_3);
if (d != p)
throw new Exception();
static void Main(string[] args)
ParseTest(100100100.100, "100.100.100,100", ',');
ParseTest(100100100.100, "100,100,100.100", '.');
ParseTest(100100100100, "", ',');
ParseTest(100100100100, "100,100,100,100", '.');
ParseTestErr("100,100,100,100", ',');
ParseTestErr("", '.');
ParseTest(100100100100, "100 100 100 100.0", '.');
ParseTest(100100100.100, "100 100 100.100", '.');
ParseTest(100100100.100, "100 100 100,100", ',');
ParseTest(100100100100, "100 100 100,100", '.');
ParseTest(1234567.89, "1.234.567,89", ',');
ParseTest(1234567.89, "1 234 567,89", ',');
ParseTest(1234567.89, "1 234 567.89", '.');
ParseTest(1234567.89, "1,234,567.89", '.');
ParseTest(1234567.89, "1234567,89", ',');
ParseTest(1234567.89, "1234567.89", '.');
ParseTest(123456789, "123456789", '.');
ParseTest(123456789, "123456789", ',');
ParseTest(123456789, "123.456.789", ',');
ParseTest(1234567890, "1.234.567.890", ',');
This should work with any culture. It correctly fails to parse strings that has more than one decimal separator, unlike implementations that replace instead of swap.
Multiply the number and then divide it by what you multiplied it by before.
For example,
perc = double.Parse("3.555)*1000;
result = perc/1000
I think 100% correct conversion isn't possible, if the value comes from a user input. e.g. if the value is 123.456, it can be a grouping or it can be a decimal point. If you really need 100% you have to describe your format and throw an exception if it is not correct.
But I improved the code of JanW, so we get a little bit more ahead to the 100%. The idea behind is, that if the last separator is a groupSeperator, this would be more an integer type, than a double.
The added code is in the first if of GetDouble.
void Main()
List<string> inputs = new List<string>() {
"1 234 567,89",
"1 234 567.89",
foreach(string input in inputs) {
public static double GetDouble(string value, double defaultValue) {
double result;
string output;
// Check if last seperator==groupSeperator
string groupSep = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator;
if (value.LastIndexOf(groupSep) + 4 == value.Count())
bool tryParse = double.TryParse(value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out result);
result = tryParse ? result : defaultValue;
// Unify string (no spaces, only . )
output = value.Trim().Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace(",", ".");
// Split it on points
string[] split = output.Split('.');
if (split.Count() > 1)
// Take all parts except last
output = string.Join(string.Empty, split.Take(split.Count()-1).ToArray());
// Combine token parts with last part
output = string.Format("{0}.{1}", output, split.Last());
// Parse double invariant
result = double.Parse(output, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return result;
Double.Parse("3,5".Replace(',', '.'), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
Replace the comma with a point before parsing. Useful in countries with a comma as decimal separator. Think about limiting user input (if necessary) to one comma or point.