I got a problem when I am using python to save an image from url either by urllib2 request or urllib.urlretrieve. That is the url of the image is valid. I could download it
It is the simplest way to download and save the image from internet using urlib.request package.
Here, you can simply pass the image URL(from where you want to download and save the image) and directory(where you want to save the download image locally, and give the image name with .jpg or .png) Here I given "local-filename.jpg" replace with this.
Python 3
import urllib.request
imgURL = "http://site.meishij.net/r/58/25/3568808/a3568808_142682562777944.jpg"
urllib.request.urlretrieve(imgURL, "D:/abc/image/local-filename.jpg")
You can download multiple images as well if you have all the image URLs from the internet. Just pass those image URLs in for loop, and the code automatically download the images from the internet.
Python code snippet to download a file from an url and save with its name
import requests
url = 'http://google.com/favicon.ico'
filename = url.split('/')[-1]
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
open(filename, 'wb').write(r.content)
A sample code that works for me on Windows:
import requests
with open('pic1.jpg', 'wb') as handle:
response = requests.get(pic_url, stream=True)
if not response.ok:
print response
for block in response.iter_content(1024):
if not block: