The following URL opens on iOS 8.3 and lower, but it does not work and iOS 9
let instagramURL = NSURL(string: \"instagram://app\")
Why won\
Swift 3.1, Swift 3.2, Swift 4
if let urlFromStr = URL(string: "instagram://app") {
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(urlFromStr) {
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
} else {
Add these in Info.plist :
As said above, you want to add a key in the info plist, here is the list for most social networks
<string> instagram-stories</string>
* The first 3 match Facebook (FBSDK 4.6): fbapi, fbauth2, fbshareextension. "Ha" is for snapchat
Apple changed the canOpenURL method on iOS 9. Apps which are checking for URL Schemes on iOS 9 and iOS 10 have to declare these Schemes as it is submitted to Apple.
It doesn't seem anyone has addressed how to specify URLs with embedded parameters. Any URL that contains parameters it won't possible to specify the specific URL in LSApplicationsQueriesSchemes. For example, assume I have an email app that passes the the senders email address:
The only way it seems to get it to work in iOS9 is to remove any parameters.
In Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.1
In info.plist need to add CFBundleURLSchemes and LSApplicationQueriesSchemes.
--> Select info.plist in your project,
--> right click,
--> Select Open As Source Code
See the below screen shot
--> xml file will be opened
--> copy - paste below code and replace with your ID's
CFBundleURLSchemes and LSApplicationQueriesSchemes for gmail, fb, twitter and linked in.
<string>K************ app</string>
See below screen your final info.plist file is
Facebook sharing from a share dialog fails even with @Matthieu answer (which is 100% correct for the rest of social URLs). I had to add a set of URL i reversed from Facebook SDK.