I have downloaded and installed the iReport 4.5 using te Windows installer. But when I try to start the iReport it shows the splash screen but does not start.
With ireport 4.7.1, after setting jdkhome in etc/ireport.conf
, ireport.exe
doesn't start. No splash, no window.
When I launch ireport_w.exe
in a cmd, I get this message:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
In file etc/ireport.conf, on the line starting with default_options, I have reduced the value of -J-XX:MaxPermSize
to 256m instead of 512m
default_options="--branding ireport -J-Xms256m -J-Xmx512m
-J-Dorg.netbeans.ProxyClassLoader.level=1000 -J-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
iReport does not work with java 8.
(you will find it here: iReport-x.x.x\etc\ )
change this line:
to this (if not this is your java 7 install dir then replace the parameter value between ""s with your installed java 7's path):
jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67"
I fixed this on my PC, on my environment iReport was iReport-5.1.0 , both jdk 7 and jdk 8 had been installed.
but iReport did not load
fix:- 1. Find the iReport.conf //C:\Program Files (x86)\Jaspersoft\iReport-5.1.0\etc
Open it on text editor
copy your jdk installation path //C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_60
add jdkhome= into the ireport.conf file jdkhome="C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.8.0_60"
Now iReport will work
don't uninstall anything. a system with multiple versions of java works just fine. and you don't need to update your environment varables (e.g. java_home, path, etc..).
yes, ireports 3.6.1 needs java 7 (doesn't work with java 8).
all you have to do is edit C:\Program Files\Jaspersoft\iReport-nb-3.6.1\etc\ireport.conf:
# default location of JDK/JRE, can be overridden by using --jdkhome <dir> switch
jdkhome="C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_45"
on linux (no spaces and standard file paths) its that much easier. keep your java 8 for other interesting projects...
While ireport does not officially support java8, there is a fairly simple way to make ireport (tested with ireport 5.1) work with Java 8. The problem is actually in netbeans. There is a very simple patch, assuming you don't care about the improved security in Java 8:
I didn't even use the exact netbeans source used by ireport. I just downloaded the latest WeakListenerImpl.java in full from the above repository, and compiled it in the ireport directory with platform9/lib/org-openide-util.jar in the compiler classpath
cd blah/blah/iReport-5.1.0
wget http://hg.netbeans.org/jet-main/raw-file/3238e03c676f/openide.util/src/org/openide/util/WeakListenerImpl.java
javac -d . -cp platform9/lib/org-openide-util.jar WeakListenerImpl.java
zip -r platform9/lib/org-openide-util.jar org
I am avoiding running eclipse just to edit jasper reports as long as I can. The netbeans based ireport is so much lighter weight. Running Eclipse is like using emacs.
I was tired of searching on google how to run iReport with java 8.
I did everything as said on the Internet,But I don't know why they weren't work for me.
Then I Change My Computer JDK Current Version form 1.8 to 1.7 Using Registry Editor.
Now it work fine.
To Change Current Version
Start => Type regedit (Press Enter) => HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => SOFTWARE => JavaSoft => Java Development Kit => Change Key Value of CurrentVersion From 1.8 to 1.7