I have application using nodejs and mongodb. I have used mongoose for ODM. Now i want to log all the queries that mongoose fire during the whole application.
How to
I'm using node bunyan, this is an option to debug and track queries(may help someone else)
function serializer(data) {
let query = JSON.stringify(data.query);
let options = JSON.stringify(data.options || {});
return `db.${data.coll}.${data.method}(${query}, ${options});`;
let log = bunyan.createLogger({
name: 'AppName',
src: false,
serializers: {
// ...
dbQuery: querySerializer
// ...
// ...
mongoose.set('debug', function(coll, method, query, doc, options) {
let set = {
coll: coll,
method: method,
query: query,
doc: doc,
options: options
dbQuery: set
You can enable debug mode like so:
mongoose.set('debug', true);
or add your own debug callback:
mongoose.set('debug', function (coll, method, query, doc [, options]) {
//do your thing
This will log all executed collection methods and their arguments to the console.
You can use the following format:
mongoose.set("debug", (collectionName, method, query, doc) => {
console.log(`${collectionName}.${method}`, JSON.stringify(query), doc);
or any other logger of your choice:
mongoose.set("debug", (collectionName, method, query, doc) => {
logger(`${collectionName}.${method}`, JSON.stringify(query), doc);
You can also set debug logger parameters:
node index.js DEBUG=mquery
but this will only log queries, not insert or update statements.